Prairie Swine Centre

 Industry Partners

Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

Prairie Swine Centre is grateful for the assistance of the George Morris Centre in developing the economics portion of Pork Insight.

Financial support for the Enterprise Model Project and Pork Insight has been provided by:

Larger Groups for Grower-Finisher Pigs: Feeding and Social Behaviours and Impacts on Social Stress.

Posted in: Prairie Swine Centre by admin on January 1, 2006 | No Comments

Most studies on feeding and social behaviours of pigs have been conducted on groups of fewer than 40 pigs/group. However, these group sizes are much smaller than some that are now used in some commercial operations (100-1000 pigs/group) in North America and elsewhere. The social dynamics of feeding and other behavioural activities of pigs in large social groups are not well understood and the competition for and the utilization of important resources such as feeders by pigs in larger social groups is therefore unclear. The present study was conducted to gain a better understanding of feeding and other behavioural activities and the impacts of larger social groups on social stress in grower-finisher pigs.

To address this question, two blocks, which consisted two group-size treatments, 18 (Small Group) and 108 (Large Group) grower-finisher pigs per pen, were carried out. Each block, which lasted 10 weeks in duration, consisted of two pens of Large Group and four pens of Small Group size. A total of five hundred seventy six barrows and gilts (Pig Improvement Canada) were used in the experiment at the PSC Elstow facility. The animals were weaned at approximately 18-day of age, were then held in nurseries for eight weeks, before being used in the experiment. The ratio of barrows to gilts was kept constant (1:1) between the two group sizes and the average starting weight of pigs was 34.6 kg ± 4.1 kg (S.D). Pigs were housed on fully-slatted floors with floor space allowance per pig of 0.76m2.

Wet/dry feeders supplied feed and water to the animals, with a pig to feeder space ratio of 9 to 1. Feeders were spread equidistantly along the central line in large groups with four feeder holes per feeder location. This maintained an equal distribution of feeders within the large group, giving an equal opportunity for all the pigs to access the feeders without any difficulty.

The individual pig feeding behaviour and group feeding patterns were studied during weeks 1, 5, 7 and 10 of the grower-finisher cycle. In addition, other behavioural activities such as percentage of time spent on eating/drinking, resting (lying) and standing/walking and diurnal patterns of these activities of pigs in both large and small groups were studied during weeks 2, 5 and 10 following re-grouping.

To evaluate the group size effect on social stress, salivary cortisol levels were measured periodically throughout the grower-finisher cycle i.e. during weeks 1, 2, 5 and 10. In addition, morphological parameters of the adrenal glands were measured at the end of grower finisher cycle to understand any effects of chronic stress on pigs that were formed into larger groups.

The pigs in large groups had more bouts of feeding (35 vs. 25, P<0.05) and the feeding bouts were shorter in duration (232 vs. 301 sec, P<0.05) during day 3 following re-grouping. However, no differences in number of feeding bouts and bout lengths were found during weeks 5, 7 and 10. More importantly, we found that the percentage of pigs queuing at the feeders to be high in larger groups than in smaller groups during day 3 (0.90 vs. 0.59, %, P <0.05). This trend of higher percentage of queuing at feeders were also apparent during day 6 following re-grouping (0.79 vs. 0.60, %, for large and small groups, P=0.08) but not thereafter. There were similar 24 hr group feeding patterns in pigs of both SG and LG during weeks 1, 5, 7 and 10 (Figure 1). Furthermore, the average percentage of feeder spaces occupied (mean day 3 and 6 and week 5, 7 and 10) was also similar between the two group sizes (55.7 vs. 56.2, %, for large and small groups). The average times spent on eating/drinking (5.2 vs. 5.2 %, for small and large groups), standing/walking (5.1 vs. 5.4 %, for small and large groups) and resting (89.6 vs. 89.3 %, for small and large groups) did not differ between the two group sizes. Furthermore, the diurnal patterns of these activities were also not affected by the large groups. One main concern of large group sizes for pigs is the potential for increased social stressors. Interestingly however in our study, during the entire 10 wk experimental period, pigs in larger groups did not demonstrate any short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic) responses of social stress (Table 1). Therefore, it was apparent that the pigs had not gone through any adverse social stressors by living in larger groups.

The impact of piglet birth weight on subsequent growout performance and carcass quality

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Increased litter size resulted in decreased average birth weight, but how no effect on body weight variability at birth or later in life. Carcass quality was unaffected by litter size.

Average litter size born alive in Canada has increased from 10.4 to 11.2 piglets in the last 5 years and continuing improvement is expected. Increased litter size results in a reduced mean birth weight. Recent analysis (Patience, unpublished data) showed that increasing litter size by 1 pig, reduced average birth weight by 100 g and doubled the proportion of piglets with a birth weight below 800 g.

Muscles contain primary and secondary fibres. One consequence of reduced birth weight are changes in the proportions of these fibre types in the muscles. The effect of this on the adult muscle composition and subsequent eating quality of the meat is not known.

The objective of this experiment was to determine if there is a relationship among birth weight and post-weaning growth performance on carcass quality, muscle histology and subsequent eating quality. Secondly, we wanted to determine if increased litter size was associated with increased variability of piglet weight at birth and during later life. The muscle histology and eating quality results will be presented in a later report.

All farrowings were attended during a 5 week period at PSC Elstow. At the time of farrowing, each live-borne piglet was identified individually, weighed and then re-weighed on the day of weaning, 5 weeks post-weaning, at nursery exit, at first pull, and at the time of marketing.. The number of mummies and stillborn piglets were also recorded, but not weighed and not included in the birth order. Management followed normal barn protocols.

Litter size. Data was collected from 98 liters and 1114 piglets (Table 1). Litters were divided into “small” (3 to 10 piglets born alive), “medium” (11 to 13 born alive) and “large”, (14 to 19 born alive). Interestingly, 91% of the total born were born alive in the small and medium groups, while greater than 98 % of those born in the large litters were born alive. The proportion of pigs weaned of those born alive was about 85% for all groups.
Average birth weight was 1.59, 1.41 and 1.35 kg for the small, medium and large groups, respectively (Table 1). The standard deviation (SD) of birth weight was very similar between groups, 0.30 to 0.32 kg, and therefore the coefficient of variation (CV; SD/mean * 100) was slightly less for the large litters.
Weaning weights. Average weaning weight was 6.55 kg, and ranged from 1.55 kg to 10.7 kg. The average SD for weaning weight was 1.45 kg, which is similar to the SD for the “large” litter group. The SD for the “small” litter groups was slightly higher, 1.59, and therefore the CV for weaning weight was similar among groups. The 5 and 7 week weights show a similar trend. Average weights were similar between groups, and the SD was actually slightly lower for the “large” litter groups, resulting in a similar CV between groups.
Market Data. Dressing weight was approximately 94.30 kg, and was similar between litter size groups, as was the SD and therefore the CV (Table 2). The lean yield, loin area, and mm of fat varied more within a litter group than between.

As expected, increased litter size, results in decreased average birth weight, however, it was suprising to observe that larger litters does not result in increased body weight variaiblity.

Strategic funding provided by Sask Pork, Alberta Pork, Manitoba Pork Council and Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food Development Fund. Specific funding for this project from the Alberta Industry Livestock Development Fund,m Ltd and PIC are gratefully acknowledged.

Pork Interpretive Gallery Ambassador Program

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The Pork Interpretive Gallery is looking for volunteers to help champion the pork industry.

This is an opportune time to brainstorm about the groups of people that would benefit by hearing more about growing pigs in your area;

Staff at the local financial institution

Town Counsellors

Rural Municipal Counsellors

Chamber of Commerce

Church organizations

School staff members

School classrooms

Economic Development offices

4-H clubs

Agriculture Producer clubs

Grain Handling facilities staff and board members

Community clubs such as Lions, Elks, Optimist, etc

These are people making decisions and playing leadership roles in your community. They need accurate information to make good decisions on behalf of the constituents they represent. It is in the best interest of the industry to make sure current research and information is made available to them.

The Pork Interpretive Gallery provides valuable resources and learning experiences about the production of hogs. The interest by the general public steadily grows with respect to the operation of modern pork producing farms. The centre disseminates science-based facts that confirm the importance of pork in the food industry and the statistics to prove it.

Saskatchewan Pork Development Board, Prairie Swine Centre and the Pork Interpretive Gallery have developed an array of excellent resource materials and information fact sheets to assist in delivering the message about the industry to Western Canadian communities. The Pork Interpretive Gallery Management will gladly assist in any way.

School Visits
Materials developed for school visits is based on the Saskatchewan School curriculum guidelines. It is the same information handed out at the centre.

The grade 4,5 & 6 curriculum is mainly about healthy bodies, controlling disease and the importance of eating a balanced diet. Young people need to be aware that pork in a healthy nutritional choice when planning their daily food intake

The Grade 7/8 teachers use the tour to compliment the Science and Social Studies program. Renewable resources, Micro-organisms and Power are just a few

High School teachers and U of S professors consider the gallery to be a great teaching tool for Ag 30 classes as well as vet and pre- vet classes.

The Pork Interpretive Gallery was recently invited to the Rocanville Children’s Science Fair. The kindergarten to grade three students enjoyed a one-hour presentation all about Pigs.

Community Information Sessions

The Pork Interpretive Gallery has the resources to develop individual presentation package that will raise awareness of the many opportunities in the pork industry and address the questions participants may have.

The gallery has been designed to open the doors to the industry and invite people to learn all about the inner workings of hog operations, current research and to gain a better understanding of the importance of raising pigs in today’s economy. Presentations should provide general information on pigs, recent research on Nutrition, Behaviour and engineering and the statistics that strongly support a positive impact by the pork industry on the municipal, provincial federal and international economy. An overview of the industry would include a description of the role of today’s producer, good safety practices, animal welfare, the impact on the environment; manure, odour and water concerns as well as the sophistication of the industry in reference to the career opportunities, Information Technology and the impact on communities.

Any one that would be interested in presenting information to in your local community or participating in a school visit or community meeting, please let us know. It means so much more when the presenter is someone from the community.

The Pork Interpretive Gallery is a unique new science based learning centre that is easy to talk about. If you can help out in any way please contact LeeWhittington by calling 1-866-PIG-Tour or emailing to express your interest. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

The Bottom Line

We have lots to brag about as an industry.

Leadership role in environmental issues around the world. As the growing demand for pork increases world wide, pork producers in western Canada have expanded hog production facilities to help meet the growing food consumption demands

Produce Canadian pork products in a safe and responsible manner.

Maintain strict Biosecurity programs to maximize animal health and ensure genetic integrity in the hog processing industry.

Establish high standards in technology, genetics, animal welfare and feed formulation.

Place high priority on ensuring the good neighbour policy, protection of water supplies, manure management and odour control as good environmental stewards.

Let’s work together to champion the industry.

Impact of swine drinking water sulphate levels on gas emissions and manure nutrients

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The impact of varying sulphate levels in drinking water on odour and gaseous emissions and on swine manure properties was evaluated. Results showed that drinking water with up to 1800 ppm sulphate had no adverse effect on pig performance, gas and odour emissions, and manure nutrient levels. This can allow the pork industry to expand into areas previously considered as having unacceptable or undesirable drinking water sources.


Odour and gaseous emissions from swine operations is a major environmental concern for the pork industry. Out of the 10 most odourous components of swine odour identified, six are sulphur-containing compounds. No studies have been undertaken to fully assess the extent of the impact of the pig’s sulphur intake levels on air quality and on manure characteristics, especially under actual production conditions.

The overall goal of this study was to assess the impact of animal drinking water quality on swine manure nutrients and on air emissions. Specifically, this study aimed to determine the effect of varying sulphur in drinking water on odour and gaseous emissions and on manure properties.

Results and Discussion

The concentrations and emissions of NH3 and CO2 were not significantly (p>0.05) affected by the increasing levels of water sulphate (Table 1). No measurable impact on levels of H2S gas was observed when manure was undisturbed. However, the average peak H2S values obtained during plug-pulling from each treatment room was significantly (p<0.01) affected by the treatment. During individual replicates, the maximum peak H2S values measured during pit-plug pulling in the treatment rooms provided with drinking water with 1200 and 1800 ppm sulphate were 288 and 134 ppm H2S, respectively; these spikes occurred for only a short period of time and the high levels dissipated to less than 10 ppm in less than 10 min. These observations would appear to indicate that high-sulphate levels in drinking water could contribute to the generation of high H2S levels during manure clearing operations. Odour concentration and emissions from the rooms were not significantly (p>0.05) affected by the treatment applied. Wide variability in the measured odour values contributed to the difference being not statistically significant.

In general, the measured manure nutrient levels were consistent with typical reported levels for swine manure. Except for the levels of sulphur, the nutrient properties of fresh manure from the treatment rooms were generally not affected by the amount of sulphate in the drinking water. Fresh manure generally had higher nutrient levels compared to stored manure (Figure 1). Stored manure from pigs given high-sulphate water tended to retain nutrients better compared to stored manure from pigs with low-sulphate water (Figure 2).

Pig performance was not adversely affected by high levels of sulphate in the pig’s drinking water. For all replicates, the average daily gain ranged between 0.86 to 1.12 kg/day. During the study, no notable incidence of scouring or diarrhea was observed.

Elevated levels of sulphur intake from water had no adverse impact on manure nutrient composition, odour and gas (NH3 and CO2) emissions or on the performance of grower-finisher pigs. Thus, for water sources with up to about 1600 to 1800 ppm sulphate content, water treatment is not necessary. However, when using high-sulphate drinking water, proper measures should be in place to consider the increased potential for generating high spikes in H2S levels during manure handling operations. These results support the possibility of constructing pig barns in locations where the available ground water is high in sulphate (up to 1600 ppm), without concern for adverse impact on growing-finishing pig performance, odour emissions, and manure nutrient value.


Strategic funding provided by Sask Pork, Alberta Pork, Manitoba Pork Council and Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. Project funding provided by U.S. National Pork Board. Technical assistance provided by Scott Cortus, Robert Fengler, and Erin Cortus is acknowledged.

Effect of Ractopamine in Finishing Swine Diets on Growth Performance, Carcass Measurements and Pork Quality – Part 2. Carcass composition and meat quality

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paylean, backfat, ractopamine, elanco, carcass quality, meat quality, composition, growth performance, pork quality

Prairie Swine Centre Nutrition Program Update May 2006

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The Nutrition program is basically focused on the evaluation of the quality of ingredients used in swine nutrition and produced in Western Canada. Particular attention is paid to pulses.

A study, funded by the Flax Council, was completed on the nutritional value of whole flaxseed and showed that the latter can be incorporated at a rate of 15% in the pig diet. The main interest of flaxseed lies in its content in essential fatty acids that can be incorporated in the lipid fraction of the carcasses.

Another study, ordered by the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, is currently conducted on lentils. The latter are normally for the human market but it is estimated that 10% of the production, that’s to say 80.000 t, are downgraded every year and used by the feed industry. Virtually no information on their value in pig exists and the study will bring some basic data on digestible energy and protein.

A main research program started recently on the use of field peas in swine nutrition. Peas have become a major local ingredient recently, with 3.7 million metric tonnes produced in 2004. However, the information available is limited to growing pigs and most of the research was conducted in Europe. The new program will study the nutritional value of a large number of pea samples collected throughout the Prairie and will be carried out on piglets, growing pigs and sows. To our knowledge, this will be the first significant study on sows. The interest of the latter study lies on the fact that large animals are able to better digest fibrous diets such as peas than small ones and a significant increase in nutritional value of peas in sows might be expected. Hence, new specific tables of nutritional value are currently developed in Europe for sows. The program will also look at the possibility of improving the nutritional value and reduce the variability of the latter through processing (grinding and pelletizing). The whole program will be subsidized by the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers and the Alberta Pulse Growers.

A new research project has been approved for funding by the Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission and the Canadian Canola Council to study the net energy value of canola meal and full-fat canola seeds. The net energy system is more adapted to ingredients with high levels of protein and dietary fibre –as it is the case in canola- than the digestible energy system. Due to an increasing demand in biodiesel, the production of canola is expected to grow in the next coming years and the use of canola by-products in swine nutrition will depend on our ability to estimate their real nutritional value for these animals. On the other hand, important breeding programs has allowed the development of canola seeds with very low levels of toxic or antinutritional factors and the use of whole canola seeds is now possible. Since they contain high levels of oil, their use as a valuable energy source can be envisaged. Our research program will provide original and valuable information on that new ingredient.

Productivity of Gilts and Sows in Various Management Programs Within an Electronic Sow Feeder System

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In this study we examined the effect of management methods on the productivity of gilts and sows in a group housing system using electronic sow feeders. Dynamic groups, provided animals were not removed or added more often than every 5 weeks, did not affect sow productivity. Grouping animals prior to embryonic implantation resulted in lower productivity than for sows spending 6 weeks in stalls after breeding. This difference was largely due to a reduced farrowing rate rather than poor litter size. Performance of sows in stalls was intermediate to the various group housing methods.


The restriction on movement placed upon sows in gestation stalls has led numerous consumer groups to advocate a move to group housing. The challenge to group housing is to ensure appropriate levels of feed intake for all animals, and to create a social group that can minimize the effects of aggression at the time of group formation. Group housing actually refers to a variety of housing systems and management options, ranging from floor feeding to electronic sow feeders; group sizes from four to several hundred; and regrouping at weaning through to some time after pregnancy is confirmed. It is important for producers to be aware of the effects of these options if they intend to consider alternatives to gestation stalls. Electronic sow feeders (ESF) provide a feeding station that allows one animal at a time to enter and be fed its specific amount of feed. We examined two social management options within an ESF system to determine their effects on productivity.

Experimental Procedures

The study was conducted over six breeding cycles at PSC Elstow Research Farm. In total, over 800 breedings were involved, with animals ranging in age from gilt to 5th parity. New animals were added each reproductive cycle. Within the ESF system we considered small groups of approximately 35 sows that were all added to the pen at the same time (static) vs larger (120 sows) that were dynamic, that is groups of approximately 35 sows were removed for farrowing and others added at 5 week intervals. We also considered two stages of gestation at which to place the animals. Animals were either moved to the ESF 8-10 days after breeding, or approximately 45 days after breeding, by which time embryonic implantation should have occurred. We also collected data from animals kept in stalls for their entire gestation.

Results and Discussion

Farrowing rate was determined based on all sows mated. We also recorded live piglets born, and calculated the number of live piglets per 100 sows mated. This measure combined farrowing rate and litter size. We classified the sows by parity as gilts, 1st, 2nd and mature, and calculated an adjusted performance assuming a standard distribution of ages in each system. Animal flow problems developed during our first two breeding cycles leading to a decision to house gilts separately from sows in order to be trained to the ESF system.

The farrowing rate of the animals differed with parity, being lowest for gilts and not differing among the older animals (Table 1). This is not an uncommon finding on commercial herds, but the depression was greater within the ESF system. Once gilts were housed by themselves we did not see such a difference. There were no differences between the static and dynamic groups for farrowing rate. Although the farrowing rate for post-implant sows was 4% higher than for pre-implant animals, the difference was not significant. Although such a difference would be a major concern on a commercial farm, the week to week variation in farrowing rate was substantial and precluded a significant treatment effect. Stalled sows were intermediate to the ESF groups of sows. Litter size was smaller for gilts than for other parities, and total live piglets per 100 sows bred was highest for the post-implant than for pre-implant treatment (Table 2). Again, stalled animals were intermediate.


Productivity equal to that obtained in stalls can be achieved in an ESF system, but this was only possible in our study if animals were already past implantation when the group was formed. Other studies using only pre-implant grouping tend to report lower productivity in groups. Static and dynamic systems did not differ, but it should be pointed out that our dynamic system involved adding new animals at 5 week intervals, not weekly as in several other studies. It is important to note the management methods used in group housing studies, as these can affect the outcome of the comparison.

‘It is important to note the management methods used in group housing studies, as these can affect the outcome of the comparison.”


Strategic program funding provided by Sask Pork, Alberta Pork, Manitoa Pork, and the Saskatchewan Agricultural Development Fund. Project funding was provided by Ontario Pork, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Variation in the Finishing Barn

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All-in-all-out (AIAO) systems expose the fact that some pigs require longer to market weight than others (some even 4 to 6 weeks longer). This fact went unnoticed in continuous flow operations. This variability in weights in the AIAO systems can result in significant economic loss. To calculate variability, statistical tools such as mean (average), median (middle value of a data set), mode (value that occurs most frequently), minimum and maximum values, standard deviation (measure of dispersion), and coefficient of variation (a percentage). Sample group size to determine these factors is related to the variability. For example, if you want to determine coefficient of variation for weaning weights, a large number is needed. This is because the variability is so high. A list of causative agents for variability is listed along with an explanation as: 1) Pre-natal influences; 2) Post-natal influences; 3) Post-weaning influences; 4) Herd health and pathogen exposure; 5) Feed and water. Aside from these primary factors, there is also the social behavior theory. This regards the hierarchy that pigs create which results in the inferior pigs having a restriction of feed and water, being crowded, or having competition with limited resources. Production targets for variability (coefficients of variation) should not exceed 20% of weaning weights, 12 to 15% for nursery exit weights and 8 to 12% for weight at first pull from the finishing barn. If these are exceeded, managers can enhance the growth of the slower growing pigs via improving the herd health or having better access to food and water. Variability can be managed by pre-planned segregation (splitting up groups based on expected future performance), parity segregation (separate housing of gilts and their offspring), increasing weaning age, increasing overall weight gain (to minimize the impact of tail-enders), and weighing pigs at marketing.

Extension Award for Lee Whittington

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Saskatoon – Lee Whittington, the Manager of Information Services for the Prairie Swine Centre of Saskatoon, is the recipient of this year’s Animal Industries Award in Extension and Public Service from the Canadian Society of Animal Science.

The award is to recognize outstanding service to the animal industries of Canada in technology transfer, leadership, and education in animal science. It’s sponsored by the Canadian Pork Council, Chicken Farmers of Canada and Dairy Farmers of Canada.

Lee Whittington’s largest and highest profile project was the Pork Interpretive Gallery (P.I.G.) constructed within the Prairie Swine Centre’s Elstow Research Farm. He raised more than a million dollars with half of that amount coming from the pork industry to finance the construction and initial operation of the gallery.

“The Pork Interpretive Gallery would never have happened without Lee’s tireless efforts,” notes John Patience, President of the Prairie Swine Centre. “Through his vision, the industry has a wonderful facility to showcase the pork industry to young people and the general public.”

Lee Whittington’s other accomplishments include:

· a quarterly newsletter that reaches 4,500 prairie producers four times a year.

· the first nation-wide satellite conference held for the pork industry (‘95 to ‘99).

· study tours to the United States for Canadian pork producers and consultants.

· the first training course focusing on Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness training

· the first Canadian web-based database for the swine industry providing easy search access to thousands of research reports.

In addition to scores of published research reports, Lee Whittington is a popular speaker throughout North America. He has presented in eight Canadian provinces, 6 U.S. states, Scotland, England, The Netherlands, Denmark and Ukraine.

“Technology transfer isn’t complete until we have achieved technology adoption by the commercial industry,” says Whittington, who joined the Prairie Swine Centre in 1992. “Research results have no value sitting on a shelf.”

In 1979, Lee Whittington graduated from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. Believing in continuous improvement, Lee has continued to upgrade his education, completing the Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (Ontario) in 1989, and an MBA in 1997 at the University of Saskatchewan.

Prairie Swine Centre Inc., located in Saskatoon, is a non-profit research corporation affiliated with the University of Saskatchewan, and is recognized globally for its contributions to practical, applied science in pork production in the disciplines of Nutrition, Engineering and Animal Behaviour.

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