Research Watch

 Industry Partners

Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

Prairie Swine Centre is grateful for the assistance of the George Morris Centre in developing the economics portion of Pork Insight.

Financial support for the Enterprise Model Project and Pork Insight has been provided by:

Feed restrictions in Broiler Breeders

Posted in: Pork Insight Articles, Research Watch by admin on January 1, 2012 | No Comments

This article discusses how feeding restricitons are one of the most prominent welfare issue faced by broiler producers. Feed restrictions lead to chronic hunger and increased aggression. The article also discusses housing methods in turkey and chicken operations and when restrictive feeding is applied.

Comparison of Production, Health and Welfare of Hens in Cages and in Alternative Systems

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This article discusses a paper that looked at the environmental complexities of alternative housing systems. Furnished cages, barn, free-range and organic systems all have implications on hen welfare. Having a good match between the animal and environment is key to improving animal welfare in all systems.

Lameness in Cattle: Debilitating Disease or a Disease of Debilitated Cattle?

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Lameness is a critical welfare issue facing dairy producers. With more public opinion shifting towards better animal treatment, preventing and treating lameness will become even more important in the coming years. A study was carried out to predict when cows become lame, and what are the impacts of the variables causing lameness. Lameness was found to have negative effects on milk production and reproduction. Also it was found that if a cow is milked less when it is lame it can recover quicker and have better milk output.

Research on Horizontal Transmission of Salmonella in Caged and Floor

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A study was carried out to find how salmonella spread among hens in different settings. Hens were intentionally infected with salmonella and then co-mingled with other hens. The researchers then looked at the hens internal organs to see how the disease had spread.  Results found that cages followed by slates were the least likely to have horizontal transmission. Floor systems were the most likely to have horizontal transmissions.

Immune Response to Stress

Posted in: Pork Insight Articles, Research Watch by admin on December 29, 2011 | No Comments

This article discusses how male and female calves react differently to weaning stress, and how stress differs in calves weaned and kept near their dams versus calves penned away from their dams. The study suggests that calves weaned and kept near their dams may be more sensitive to weaning stress. The study found that the immune system of a female calf has a different reaction to stress than the immune system of a male calf.


Short dry period – Some pros and cons

Posted in: Pork Insight Articles, Research Watch by admin on December 28, 2011 | No Comments

A study was conducted using 850 dairy cows to find out how health and reproduction are effected by a shorter dry period. The study found that a shorter dry period had both positive and negative effects on the cows.

Monitoring Pigs To Improve Welfare And Production

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Researchers in Denmark are coming up with a monitoring system that is all inclusive. Technology is being developed to monitor all aspects of a pigs life such as eating and drinking habits, interaction with other pigs, temperature, growth rates and all factors that can be immediately recorded. The challenge is to get the system to work as one unit that will make connections and find relations between all the factors it records. This will help producers be able to react on the most important information and help researchers find links between different factors.

Clarkson professor takes unusual approach in cow study

Posted in: Pork Insight Articles, Research Watch by admin on December 26, 2011 | No Comments

This article discusses the work of Erik Bolt and others and their findings about space requirements for dairy cows. Bolt suggests that dairy cows prefer to eat, stand and sleep together, and also require lots of room to be comfortable. Mathematics were used in the study to determine the costs of cramming cows together to increase herd size versus allowing them to be comfortable but use up more space. The study found it was more profitable in the long run to allow cows to be comfortable.

A Comprehensive Approach to Animal Welfare Science

Posted in: Pork Insight Articles, Research Watch by admin on December 18, 2011 | No Comments

Animal welfare is very important at all levels of livestock production. People rely on the industry to keep up animal welfare standards as consumers cannot always choose what farm they buy their meat from. Traditionally there have been three perspectives when it comes to animal welfare functional, affective states and natural. A comprehensive approach to animal welfare would overlap the three perspectives and not run the risk of jeopardizing one aspect for another.

Less Boar Taint by Selecting Terminal Boars

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TOPIGS in the EU will begin selecting boars for breeding who have a low chance of effecting their offspring with boar taint. Boar taint heredity will also be examined in sows. Boar taint currently effects 5% of non-castrated boars in Europe.

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