Pork Insight Articles

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Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

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Comparison of five models for setback distance determination from livestock sites

Posted in: Pork Insight Articles, Production by admin on August 24, 2016

Authors: H. Guo, L.D. Jacobson, D.R. Schmidt, R.E. Nicolai, and K.A. Janni

Reference: Canadian Biosystems Engineering 46 (2004): 17-25.

Odour has been a frequent hurdle when considering building new barns or expanding existing barns. In order to combat odour complaints and nuisance, various governments have developed minimum setback levels using different models that take into account different models. Main models include the Ontario MDS-II model, W-T model, Austrian Model, Purdue model, and Minnesota OFFSET model. These models take into account various factors including herd size, ventilation type, manure storage type, feed type, meteorological and topographic factors, building design among others.

This study aimed to test the setback distances generated by these five models and test them against 13 existing swine production facilities. Results showed that the minimum setback distances varied by as much as ten times between the different models. The only models that took into account actual odour emissions (measured by averages of various sources in a certain area) instead of indirect quantities were the Purdue and Minnesota OFFSET models.

Comparison of 5 models for setback distances – Guo et al 2004

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