Ontario Pork

 Industry Partners

Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

Prairie Swine Centre is grateful for the assistance of the George Morris Centre in developing the economics portion of Pork Insight.

Financial support for the Enterprise Model Project and Pork Insight has been provided by:

Author(s): G. Lazarovits, K.L. Conn, M. Tenuta, and E. Topp
Publication Date: August 8, 2012
Reference: Southern Crop Protection and Food Research Centre, University of Manitoba


Liquid swine manure that is put through a composter set at a temperature of 55-65comes out of the composter with no E.coli or salmonella, despite not losing any nutrients. The Manure also has no smell unless it becomes anaerobic. The process is simple requiring only two pumps, one for adding air and the other for controlling the pH level (adding acids or molasses). The compost produced is considered by its researchers to be a safe and effective fertilizer. Holding manure at over 600 for at least 15 minutes is said to kill E.coli in the manure. The optimum pH for growth is 7.5-8, in the composter the pH level was held at 7.5, at 8 there would have been ammonia produced. At temperatures higher than 650bacteria would begin to grow in the composter. In soils with low pH levels the highly acidic LSM becomes toxic to plant pathogens making it easier to control disease. The application of LSM to potato soils was found to help reduce potato scab disease and plant parasitic nematodes to near zero. The application of sulfuric acid can reduce potato scab if the soil pH level is held up for the entire growing season, there is no long term disease control from sulphuric acid because the soil levels can return to control levels. Applying LSM was just as effective in reducing disease when applied a year before the crop was plant as when applied the same  year the crop was planted. If applied in the right way LSM and sulphuric acid can be an easy was to fight disease with minimal requirements such as a manure spreader.

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