Pork Insight Articles

 Industry Partners

Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

Prairie Swine Centre is grateful for the assistance of the George Morris Centre in developing the economics portion of Pork Insight.

Financial support for the Enterprise Model Project and Pork Insight has been provided by:

Author(s): M. Tokach, B. Goodband, J. DeRouchey, S. Dritz, and J. Nelssen
Publication Date: April 3, 2007
Reference: London Swine Conference, 2007
Country: Canada


Record keeping for grow-finish sows has recently started to improve, but it is important to focus on the aspects that show a clear summary of performance. Some of the useful measures are growth performance, market pig information, mortality, feed usage, facility utilization, expenses, and inventory. Data collection should not be overwhelming, but accuracy and consistently collecting and recording it are important. A clear data management system is also necessary. Once data is collected it can be summarized in graphs, used for comparisons, and used to set goals or identify areas to improve. Management strategies should be reviewed regularly and changed as necessary. Some of these changes can include diet, use of Paylean, feed budgets, treatments like medication, vaccines, and in-food antibiotics, and marketing plans. As well, building considerations like room/barn preparation, maintenance, supplies, ventilation, and feed and water availability should be revised when needed. Proper management deserves recognition, and using measures like feed efficiency can overlook factors that are out of the employee’s control. Collecting grow-finish pig data can help give a view of the overall barn performance, and can highlight management strategies that can be improved.

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