Pork Insight Articles

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Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

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Managing Stress Dealing with PED Virus Industry-wide

Posted in: Pork Insight Articles, Production by student on June 25, 2018

Author: Harry Siemens

Reference: Prairie Hog Country – October/November 2017

Summary: As of September 22, the total cases of PEDv identified in Manitoba in the outbreak is 76. Of the 76 cases, 36 have achieved the Transitional status.

One concern that should be addresses when dealing with PEDv pertains with the swine barn workers that are having to deal with the sick animals. Swine barn managers are advised to watch for signs of fatigue in workers. Trying to stop the spread of the disease through the barn becomes very trying and tiring and this can take a toll on the workers both mentally and physically. When people are having to deal with sicks animals, especially piglets, on a daily basis it results in a lot of stress. This stress could result in similar to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Each individual is different and symptoms could vary from not being able to sleep, feeling drained, poor concentration, memory problems, difficulty thinking, headaches, nightmares and the overall feeling of just not being able to cope. It is essential that employees have someone to talk to and look after themselves. It is important that they are getting rest as well as eating properly.

For updates, go to : www.manitobapork.com/animal-care/swine-health/ped

Managing Stress Dealing with PED Industry Wide

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