Pork Insight Articles

 Industry Partners

Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

Prairie Swine Centre is grateful for the assistance of the George Morris Centre in developing the economics portion of Pork Insight.

Financial support for the Enterprise Model Project and Pork Insight has been provided by:


Posted in: Pork Insight Articles, Prairie Swine Centre, Production, Welfare by admin on May 11, 2017

Planning for group housing is perhaps the most important step in the conversion process. Regardless of the system implemented, the transition to groups requires a significant investment of time and money. Understanding what the options are, and imagining how these options fit within the long term goals of the operation, are critical steps in making the right choice. Good planning is also important to help maintain herd flow and generally ease the transition for barn staff and animals. This talk presents three main areas to be addressed when considering the transition to group gestation. First of all the type of construction project needs to be considered: will it be a renovation of current facilities; an addition to an existing building (e.g. providing space for loose housing or an increase in overall herd size); or is it a new build? The second question addressed is; what feeding system will be implemented? Unlike stall housing, where feeding and management options are limited, group housing includes a large number of options. Becoming knowledgeable about feeding options, including their strengths and weaknesses in terms of cost, barn layout, technical requirements and daily management inputs going forward, is crucial when selecting the right system for your operation. The third area to be considered is how the transition will take place. This will vary depending on the availability offsite barns, parity distribution and disease status, among other factors. Some options include keeping the existing herd intact; making a temporary reduction in the herd size; or doing a complete repopulation.Making decisions around barn renovations can be difficult but are extremely important. There are significant capital expenses and management changes- which will potentially impact farm production efficiency and economics for years to come. It is a good idea to consider this change as an opportunity to invest in the future, and to improve or properly size your business.



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