Pork Insight Articles

 Industry Partners

Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

Prairie Swine Centre is grateful for the assistance of the George Morris Centre in developing the economics portion of Pork Insight.

Financial support for the Enterprise Model Project and Pork Insight has been provided by:

Sow Productivity, Farrowing room managment -Banff 2017

Posted in: Pork Insight Articles, Production, Uncategorized by admin on May 8, 2017

Dr. Egan Brockhoff,

Before farrowing

  • Sanitation
    • Proper selection of detergents and degreasers
    • Focus on fully drying the room

Farrowing, Fostering and Day 1 Critical Care

  • First 4 days are the highest risk period for mortality
  • Colostrum from piglets own mother is critical for the first day
  • Intense observation of climate
  • Quickly identify piglets at risk of falling back
  • Warming and drying piglets is the first priority then minimizing time to the first suckle
  • If the birth interval is any longer than 30 mins piglets should be closely observed
  • Foster litters should be established within the first 3 days

Nursing, Rapid growth and Weaning

  • Success during lactation starts at the selection of quality replacement gilts
    • Body conformation and the number of functional teats are key
      • 14 teats minimum
    • 300lb minimum at second heat to increase litter weaning weights
  • Creep feeding does not improve growth pre-weaning but improves post-weaning performance

Sow Productivity, Farrowing room managment -Banff 2017




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