
 Industry Partners

Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

Prairie Swine Centre is grateful for the assistance of the George Morris Centre in developing the economics portion of Pork Insight.

Financial support for the Enterprise Model Project and Pork Insight has been provided by:

Author(s): Provis, Peter H.F. BSA DVM
Publication Date: January 1, 2006
Reference: Manitoba Pork Council Research
Country: Canada


TGE (Transmissable Gastro Enteritis) is a disease, which rears its head almost every spring in Manitoba, and 2006 is certainly no exception. It is a disease that is feared by producers because of the speed and devastation it can cause in a sow herd. TGE causes a watery diarrhea and occasional vomiting in pigs of all ages. Upon entry into the herd, it will spread completely through the herd over the course of 3-7 days. TGE takes its biggest toll on piglets less than 10 to14 days of age, where close to 100% mortality is common. Bringing infected animals or infected manure into the barn often causes an outbreak. The virus is readily “trackable,” meaning dirty boots, trucks, vehicles and hands can spread it. The virus survives well in frozen conditions, but is very susceptible to most disinfectants, sunlight and warm dry conditions. Birds, insects and rodents can also be a source of the virus. There are 2 parts of any bio-security program for your farm, keep it off the yard and keep it from getting into your barn from your yard. Don’t let trucks back up to the barn that haven’t had appropriate wash and disinfection procedures applied. Manage foot traffic at delivery points so manure will not be tracked back into trucks/trailers. Prevent entry of rodents and birds into the barn or feed bins. Establish and maintain clear “dirty” and “clean” zones where barn boots and sock traffic don’t mix with outside footwear. Shower in or wash hands thoroughly and change clothes before entering the barn. Take control of materials entering the barn- remove outer packaging and disinfect as appropriate. Also review load out bio-security and design so load outs can be safely and effectively washed and disinfected. The goal is a practical and science based bio-security program that is sustainable all year round, and effective for all infectious disease threats.

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