Compounding Iron Dextran with NSAIDs for Use in Piglets at Time of Processing
NSAIDs are often given at processing along with iron dextran and it is tempting to given them together to reduce the number of injections to the piglet. Mixing these products is not allowed under the Canadian Assurance program, though it does happen occasionally so possible drug interactions were evaluated. The bioavailability of fluxin meglumine and meloxicam was studied when mixed with iron dextran and given to 5 day old piglets. A drug interaction was likely, though iron dextran’s ability to maintain hemoglobin concentrations was not altered. The availability of the NSAID for absorption into the systemic circulation was reduced so proper analgesic effects were decreased. Adequate analgesia may not be provided in this case. If mixing of these components occur for administration during processing and castration, the compounded product must be used immediately.
Compounding Iron Dextran with NSAIDs for Use in Piglets at Time of Processing (full article)