Mycotoxins and the Immune System
Mycotoxins are produced by mould that grows on grains and are toxic and cause diverse effects to livestock. Dilution and feed additives can be used to try to mitigate the effects but their effectiveness is not clear and it increases costs. One of the many symptoms of mycotoxin consumption can be reduced immunity and may even affect the efficacy of vaccinations. Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a common mycotoxin that has negative effects on pigs. Symptoms may differ depending on the amount ingested, but 1 ppm is the maximum recommended amount, with any more than that decreasing feed intake and average daily gain. Several intestinal genes were altered when fed a diet with 3.5 ppm DON, impairing antibody response. DON decreases performance in pigs and also predisposes animals to infection.
Mycotoxins and the Immune System (full article)