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Does creep feed have any benefits?

Does creep feed have any benefits?

Creep feeding is a common practice throughout the pork industry. There are a number of perceived benefits, including provision of nutrients, higher weaning weight, and improved transition at weaning, however, these benefits only occur if the creep feed is consumed. Feeding simple diets, such as a typical lactation diet, may be sufficient. Identifying less expensive alternatives will help to reduce cost of production in the pork industry.
This research trial looked at different creep feeding protocols: 1) no creep feed provided (CON), 2) complex creep feed provided (CC), 3) simple creep feed provided (SC), and 4) both complex and simple creep feed provided (SCC). The CC consisted of a standard nursery starter diet and the SC consisted of a standard lactation diet.
Piglets showed no preference for simple or complex creep feed. Providing creep feed had little impact on pre-weaning performance, with increased ADG only in the final week pre-weaning. While there was a slight benefit to providing creep feed on growth performance in the first week post-weaning, this was not maintained through the nursery period.
Further research is required to determine the impact of creep feed on individual pigs and to determine if increasing the number of pigs consuming creep feed will improve the potential benefits of provision of creep feed.

Does creep feed have any benefits? (full article)