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2024 PSC Producer Meeting – Lagoda – What the Chair in Swine Welfare is doing for you

2024 PSC Producer Meeting – Lagoda – What the Chair in Swine Welfare is doing for you

During the 2024 PSC producer meetings, held in collaboration with Zoetis and PIC, postdoctoral fellow at WCVM Martyna Lagoda gave a presentation titled ‘Advancing swine welfare practices to empower your industry: What the Chair in Swine Welfare is doing for you’. In this presentation, Martyna described research addressing the four goals of the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Swine Welfare: 1) Understand how early life management contributes to pig robustness, sociability, and welfare outcomes in the growing pig; 2) Identify if promotion of play can increase physiological and psychological robustness; 3) Identify and validate biological markers indicative of welfare states in swine; and 4) Understand the value of animal-based post-mortem indicators of welfare.

To access the PowerPoint slides, go to ‘Lagoda-2024-PSCmeeting-NSERC-IRC-in-swine-welfare-overview‘.

Access the video of this presentation here: https://youtu.be/4l_pWAUFWgM