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2024 PSC Producer Meetings Presentations

2024 PSC Producer Meetings Presentations

2024 PSC Producer Meetings

In collaboration with Zoetis and PIC Canada



Insights into mycotoxins in swine diets

Dan Columbus, Ph.D. – Prairie Swine Centre

In this presentation, Dan provided information regarding mycotoxin prevalence, how they affect pigs, issues around sampling ingredients for mycotoxins, and mitigation strategies, including binders, detoxification, physical removal, grain sorting, etc. He also discussed the results of two research trials he did feeding mycotoxins to finisher pigs and grower-finisher pigs.

Link to video of the presentation: https://youtu.be/EOh5ONGoFPo


 “Seek and you shall find” …The value of post mortem, in pigs?

Jeff Bergermann, DVM. – Zoetis

In this presentation, Jeff discussed the different reasons why you would want to do a post-mortem examination in pigs. He also showed different ways to opening the animal and a step-by-step approach to checking different areas of interest during the necropsy.

To access the PowerPoint presentation, go to ‘Bergermann-2024-PSCmeeting-post-mortem-in-pigs‘.

Link to video of the presentation: https://youtu.be/sIZfmS5xujE


Advances in nutrition for pig health

Dan Columbus, Ph.D. – Prairie Swine Centre

In this presentation, Dan showed how more dietary amino acids are used for maintenance and less for growth during an immune challenge, suggesting amino acid requirements are higher during a disease outbreak. He then talked about his research trials using functional amino acids in pigs challenged with salmonella.

Link to video of the presentation: https://youtu.be/-RuTcIOzz6Y


Moving forward with improved sow housing: current progress and prospects?

Jen-Yun Chou, Ph.D. – Prairie Swine Centre

In this presentation, Jen talked about her journey through the (pig) world, including her research on environmental enrichment, efforts to reduce tail biting, and sow housing after weaning and in early gestation. She also touched on new projects she will be working on, including thermal profile, ESF data exploration, loose lactation housing, and creep feeding.

To access the PowerPoint presentation, go to ‘Chou-2024-PSCmeeting-improved-sow-housing‘.

Link to video of the presentation: https://youtu.be/dldRovkdW5c


P1 development strategies for peak performance

Kendall Weger, B.Sc. – PIC

In this presentation, Kendall talked about the gilt selection criteria such as age, weight and number of estruses, as well as P1 preparation for their fist farrowing.

To access the PowerPoint presentation, go to ‘Weger-2024-PSCmeeting-P1-Development-Strategies-for-Peak-Performance‘.

Link to video of the presentation: https://youtu.be/Ohys0bnu0Gk


Advancing swine welfare practices to empower your industry: what the Chair in Swine Welfare is doing for you

Martyna Lagoda, Ph.D. – Western College of Veterinary Medicine

In this presentation, Martyna described research addressing the four goals of the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Swine Welfare: 1) Understand how early life management contributes to pig robustness, sociability, and welfare outcomes in the growing pig; 2) Identify if promotion of play can increase physiological and psychological robustness; 3) Identify and validate biological markers indicative of welfare states in swine; and 4) Understand the value of animal-based post-mortem indicators of welfare.

To access the PowerPoint presentation, go to ‘Lagoda-2024-PSCmeeting-NSERC-IRC-in-swine-welfare-overview‘.

Link to video of the presentation: https://youtu.be/4l_pWAUFWgM