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Know the temperature requirements of your pigs

Know the temperature requirements of your pigs

Temperature requirements for pigs depend on many factors such as air temperature, air movement, humidity, flooring material, bedding/dryness (of the floor), age and size of the pigs, group size, feed type and intake level, and health status. The aim of temperature control in the barn is to keep pigs in their thermoneutral zone. When temperature falls below the lower critical temperature, pig heat production increases 2-4% per °C. Both shivering and heat production take energy that the pig cannot use towards growth. When temperature gets above the upper critical temperature, pigs need to use energy to cool down. Several trials have shown that there are opportunities to reduce energy use by reducing the temperature setpoints at night below the optimal or desirable temperatures for nursery and grow-finish pigs. Research at Prairie Swine Centre has also shown that group-housed gestating sows can handle lower temperatures than the recommended temperature setpoint of 17°C. Besides diet type, feeding level is also relevant, as full fed animals can withstand colder temperatures. In other words, producers can decide to increase or decrease feed or fuel to maximize net returns.

Know the temperature requirements of your pigs (full article)