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Prairie Swine Centre  >  Industry Fact Sheets

Pork Production Reference GuidePPRG2000

A quick reference guide designed to assist producers with those quick facts and numbers.  Everything from conversions to calculating  space requirements, water consumption, manure production and more…

Auditing On-Farm Best Management Practices

A series of fact sheets that will walk you through each phase within production facilities across Canada.  Each fact sheet provides detail on the level of adoption of best management practices, including identifying those areas that are well received and those than require improvement.

Managing High Feed Costs

Feed costs always will be the single largest component in costs associated with pork production. Finding ways to effectively reduce feed costs while optimizing pig performance helps producers economic sustainability. This publication focuses on four key areas including: 1) Diet formulation 2) Diet processing 3) In-barn management and 4) Measuring success.