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Application of nanotechnology for mitigation of DON in wheat grains

A series of laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to determine the most promising nanomaterials and to optimize its operational requirements for appropriate application in mitigating mycotoxin contamination in feed grains and formulated swine diets. Three candidate nanomaterials were selected for testing based on a comprehensive literature review conducted previously: chitosan polymeric nanoparticles (CS), montmorillonite nanocomposites (MN), and magnetic graphene oxide (MGO). Based on the preliminary test results, MGO showed the greatest...

Ken Engele

Spray-Dried Animal Plasma Mitigates the Negative Impact of Deoxynivalenol (DON) in Nursery Pigs

There is an increase in prevalence of deoxynivalenol (DON) contaminated grains in the Canadian Prairies. DON is the toxin produced by Fusarium fungi, which is affected by the moisture content during flowering and/or harvest. Grains that are contaminated with DON are either destroyed or fed to livestock. Diluting the final concentration of the mycotoxin in contaminated grains is the best current strategy, though this is not always possible. When pigs...

Shannon White

Pig Performance and the Economics of Long-Term Feeding of DON-Contaminated Diets

Feedstuffs used for swine diets are often contaminated with mycotoxins. This continues to be a problem as they affect pig performance and can have a negative impact on their health. Deoxynivalenol (DON), also known as vomitoxin, commonly contaminates wheat, corn, barley and other feed ingredients. In North America, 90% of finished feed samples contained DON. The fusarium mould that produces DON is increasing in incidence throughout Saskatchewan, with DON contamination...

Shannon White

What is the Long Term Impact of Feeding DON to Finishing Pigs?

Grains contaminated with mycotoxins are commonly downgraded for livestock feed. Best practice is to avoid using this, though that is getting increasingly difficult due to increased incidence and level of contamination. Corn, wheat, oats and barley are commonly contaminated by the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON). DON is one of the most prevalent mycotoxins worldwide, so strategies are needed that allow mycotoxin-contaminated grain use in livestock feed. Grower-finisher pigs have higher feed...

Shannon White

DON in Swine Diets

Fusarium mould contaminated grain has been on the rise due to cool wet summer weather. The mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON or vomitoxin) can be produced when fusarium moulds contaminate cereal grains. Other livestock are not as sensitive to DON as pigs are with the guideline being under 1 ppm (1 mg/kg). After ingestion, feed intake decreases and so does weight gain. At higher levels, pigs often refuse feed completely or vomit....

Shannon White

The Efficacy of Eight Different Feed Additives on Mitigating the Effects of Deoxynivalenol (DON)

Fusarium moulds contaminating cereal and grains such as wheat and corn produce the trichothecene mycotoxin DON. Symptoms of ingestion include feed refusal, vomiting and can largely affect the financial viability of a commercial pig farm. Different feed additives can reduce the effects of the mycotoxin. The modes of action include chemically transforming the toxin to decrease toxicity, enhancing immune system functioning and binding the mycotoxin in the gut to prevent...

Shannon White

Developing Spray-Dried Animal Plasma Programs for DON Contaminated Diets

This study was designed to determine if feeding high quality diets supplemented with spray-dried animal plasma (SDAP) during the early post-weaning period, will provide benefits if deoxynivalenol (DON)contaminated  diets are fed in subsequent phases. Two blocks of newly weaned pigs were fed according to a 3-phase feeding program such that phase I, II and III diets were fed for 1, 2, and 1 week, respectively. Neither DON nor SDAP inclusion had an effect on nursery...

Ken Engele

Mitigating DON Through Optimal Use of Blood Plasma

Previous research showed that nursery pigs fed deoxynivalenol (DON) contaminated diets supplemented with spray-dried porcine plasma (SDPP) had similar growth rate and feed intake as those consuming non-contaminated diets. In this study, two blocks of 100 weanling pigs were used to determine the optimal inclusion level of spray-dried  bovine plasma(SDBP) required in nursery diets contaminated with DON to maintain growth performance. Growth performance was not statistically different for pigs fed the diets with DON contaminated diets and...

Ken Engele

Spray Dried Bovine Plasma for DON Contaminated Nursery Diets

The current experiment showed that DON did have a detrimental effect on ADFI and also showed some negative eff ects on ADG. Moreover, SDBP showed a beneficial effect on ADFI when present with DON in the diet but did not have a beneficial effect on ADG. Finally, DON and SDBP showed no detrimental or beneficial effects, respectively on pair-fed pigs compared to their corresponding full-fed pigs. Hence, the effects of DON and SDBP were not due...

Ken Engele