Canadian Hog Journal Winter 2017
Articles in the Winter 2017 Canadian Hog Journal Include: Hot Issues: Quarantine Experience in 2009 Offers Learning Lessons, Pig Breeding in Canada H1N1 influenza threatened Canadian swine in 2009 and infected farms were placed under quarantine which resulted in cullings. Looking back, this situation was unnecessary....
Canadian Hog Journal Fall 2017
Articles in the Fall 2017 Canadian Hog Journal Include: Hot Issues: Let the Barn Building Begin!, Increasing Slaughter Capacity, Manitoba's War on PED Barn construction related to herd expansion is occurring in Ontario as demand for pigs rise. As herd expansion continues, slaughter capacity must...
Canadian Hog Journal Summer 2017
Articles in the Summer 2017 Canadian Hog Journal include: For the Love of Science: Does Creep Feeding Work? Creep feeding is done to help alleviate problems at weaning, but most results are inconclusive. This study found that creep feeding is beneficial to the piglets that eat it,...
Canadian Hog Journal Spring 2017
Articles in the Spring 2017 Canadian Hog Journal Include: Hot Issues: Pig Breeding in Canada, The Buzz About Alberta's Bill Breeding trends and new technology are discussed such as gene editing using CRISPR. Bill 9 - Marketing of Agricultural Products Amendment Act allows agriculture commissions...
Canadian Hog Journal Banff 2017
Articles in the Banff 2017 Canadian Hog Journal Include: Sustainable Intensification - Depleting Natural Resources In order to have sustainable systems, the five fundamentals are needed. These include financial, animal welfare, food safety, worker availability and well-being and environmental. Animal Protein's Challenging Role in Feeding a Hungry...
Western Hog Journal Winter 2016
Articles in the Winter 2016 Western Hog Journal Include: Hot Issues: Pork Industry Ponders Perspective on Cancer Warning, U.S. Finally Repeals COOL A report states that red meats and processed meats have been linked to cancer, mainly colorectal, prostate and pancreatic cancers. Recommendations include having processed...
Western Hog Journal Fall 2016
Articles in the Fall 2016 Western Hog Journal Include: Hot issues: Traceability, Barn Fires Public want insight on the source of their food Pig barns are very difficult to evacuate in case of fire due to difficulty in moving animals and large volume of animals. With...
Western Hog Journal Summer 2016
Articles in the Summer 2016 Western Hog Journal Include: Science: Seeking the best flooring slat and gap widths Guidelines are being developed to select and design slatted flooring in group sow housing to improve sow comfort and health while maintaining ease of manure removal. Developing a...
Western Hog Journal Spring 2016
Articles in the Spring 2016 Western Hog Journal Include: Hot Issues: "Humane" Pork Wanted in Eastern Canada There is more push for natural, humane, antibiotic-free meat and crate-free raised pigs. Industry News: Alberta Goes to Bat for Producers, Olymel, ATRAHAN tickled pink with new pork partnership Alberta...
Western Hog Journal Banff 2016
Articles in the Banff 2016 Western Hog Journal include: Clear Path for Future of Canadian Hog Industry, Pork export Markets and Trade Agreements Three areas to focus on for the future include animal welfare, health and nutrition as well as environmental sustainability. Current trade agreements...
Measuring the Prevalence of Antimicrobial Resistance and Pathogens
Public apprehension about using antibiotics in livestock production is increasing along with concerns about antimicrobial resistance. Measures have been implemented in Canada that include a total ban on livestock feed with antibiotics and strict regulations on using antibiotics as a treatment for sick animals. Producers...
Infrared Camera Tech Measured as Tool for Swine Health
Infrared cameras may be able to identify stressed or sick pigs before they are taken to the packing plant, and may even be able to predict a tendency for poor meat quality. This would improve swine herd health and reduce food safety risks. The software...