Feed Processing and Nutritional Quality Among Wheat Classes Fed to Weaned Pigs
Wheat processing and nutritional quality varies among classes such as CPS, durum and High Red Spring wheat. Nutritional quality versus wheat class was examined for their effect on feed processing. Weaned pigs performance was compared across six wheat classes with considerations of diet pellet quality...
Growth Rate and Age at First Estrus: Impact on Managing the Gilt Pool
An effective gilt management system involves identifying select gilts below market weight and having appropriate weights at first breeding. An important tool to achieve these is to induce first estrus with early stimulation from boars. Producers often delay inducing the first estrus until 180 to 240...
Effects of Large Group Size on Productivity of Grower-Finisher Pigs
Large groups of pigs have become more popular as they improve space use and profitability while reducing housing costs. Concern of large groups having social instability which could result in higher mortality and morbidity, poor growth and higher variation in body weights are present. Production...
Hydrogen Sulphide Concentration While Pulling Pit Plugs and Power-Washing Rooms
Liquid manure produces hydrogen sulphide which is a life-threatening gas. It is believed that hydrogen sulphide levels may be high when pulling pit plugs and power-washing rooms. Six pig farms were monitored in regard to this hypothesis. All barns that participated in this study had...
Draeger microPac Performance for Hydrogen Sulphide Monitoring in Commercial Swine Operations
Hydrogen sulphide is a major hazard in swine facilities and must be monitored carefully. The monitors are subjected to a harsh environment including high humidity, dust and gas levels. The Draeger microPac unit was evaluated for detecting hydrogen sulphide in pig barns. With calibrations done...
Effect of Extender, Cooling Method and Incubation Time on Storage of Extended Boar Semen at 5°C
The temperature extended boar semen is usually stored at (17-18°C) is difficult to maintain, especially during transport. If the temperature fluctuates, the quality of the semen can be affected but often goes unnoticed. Cooling units could be used during transport if extended boar semen could...
Feasibility Study for Concrete Swine Buildings and Manure Storage Facilities in Western Canada
Most swine facilities in the Prairies are constructed with wood framing and earthen manure storage facilities. Concrete walls may increase the buildings longevity and rodent control. Concrete manure tanks and walls decrease the production facilities annual costs and increases longevity. More information is needed on...
Manure Management in Zero Till Systems
A broader range of nutrients can be provided with manure fertilizer compared to inorganic products. In order to properly use manure, nutrient and soil analyses are needed. Nutrient take time to be released after application of manure; in cattle, they are released in the second...
Airborne Dust, Endotoxin and DNA Downwind from Swine Barns: An Update
Dust exhausted from swine barns may have endotoxins and microbial DNA present which is an environmental and health concern. Endotoxin is a pulmonary irritant which can cause phlegm, cough, wheezing, fever and in some cases chronic airway inflammation. Microbial DNA can also cause an immune...
Dietary Protein and Fermentable Fiber Affect Nitrogen Excretion
Potential environmental impacts both inside and outside the barn can be due to nitrogen excretion. Land base needed to apply manure may be reduced with lower total nitrogen excretion. Reducing dietary protein can reduce ammonia emissions and nitrogen excretion directly. Fecal nitrogen is less volatile...
Dietary Particle Size and Nutrient Supply Affect Nitrogen Excretion
The sustainability of the pork industry is impacted by nutrient management. Previous research has shown that decreasing particle size decreases fecal nitrogen excretion, but it may increase urinary nitrogen excretion. Particle size and diet formulations were examined to see the impact they had on nitrogen...
Effects of Nipple Drinker Height and Flow Rate on Water Wastage in Grower and Finisher Pigs
Water wastage is an unnecessary cost in pig barns. On commercial farms, water wastage is as high as 40-60% compared to previous findings that grower/finisher pigs wasted 25% from nipple drinkers. The difference in these numbers could be due to improper flow rate and drinker...