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Author: Ken Engele

Effectively Assessing Technology

New technologies are constantly being introduced into barns due to promised benefits and enhanced profitability. However, these innovations can also introduce new challenges and costs, such as the impact of new technologies on worker health and safety. So how do you know if it will...

Precision Feeding for Gestating Sows

The objective of this project was to assess the impact of an individualized feeding strategy for pregnant sows whose dietary intakes vary depending on stage of gestation and the individual characteristics of the sow, on growth performances, productivity and feed costs. Use simulation to validate...

Use of Novel Technologies to Optimize Pig Performance

The overall project is assessing several novel technologies which can help producers to monitor health, welfare and feed efficiency while also offering tools to predict and enhance carcass value. There are also technologies for packers to better evaluate carcass and pork quality. This will allow...

The Interaction Between Pig Density and Dietary Energy on Performance

Dietary net energy and stocking density independently affect performance, feed utilization and profits in the finisher barn. The objective of this experiment was to assess the interactions of stocking density and dietary energy, and determine how these interactions affect net income. When stocking density was increased, the performance of finishing...

2019 PSC Producer Meeting Schedule

Prairie Swine Centre along with PIC Canada Ltd. and Zoetis will be hosting a series of producer meetings throughout western Canada this April.  More detail on the program will be available at a later date. Please mark you calendar for the location closest to you. Friday,...