The utilization of corn DDGS in swine rations. Some “reminders”
Corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) is an ingredient that has been successfully incorporated into swine diets for many years. The following is an update on some recent research with this ingredient, plus some ‘tips’ or reminders when incorporating corn DDGS into swine rations. The...
How do we manage high feed prices?
Over the past several years, grain prices have increased significantly with wheat and barley prices close to doubling the values seen in the fall of 2020. Therefore, finding strategies to minimize the impact of high feed prices will be important moving forward through to next...
Making the most of your water
Previous work has shown finishing pigs can waste 25% of water from well-managed nipple drinkers, therefore opportunities exist to reduce wastage when flow rates are adjusted on a regular basis. Actual on-farm water flow rates and nipple drinker heights were measured on 24 farms across...
We need to start thinking about more than essential amino acid requirements
An increased understanding of essential amino acid requirements has led to the ability to reduce dietary protein content while maintaining animal performance. A major assumption behind these low protein diets is that pigs are capable of producing sufficient amounts of non-essential AA (NEAA) to meet...
Investigation of enhanced sanitization and disinfection measures applicable for antibiotic-free pig production system
This project aims to develop enhanced biosecurity measures that can eliminate or reduce the proliferation of disease-causing pathogens in antibiotic-free pig production as well as in conventional barns for all-inclusive disease prevention. Specifically investigating alternative sanitization and disinfection measures that are effective for control of...
Increased adaptation time improves pig response to functional amino acid supplementation
A previous study conducted at the Prairie Swine Centre and the University of Saskatchewan revealed improved performance of pigs under Salmonella infection when fed functional amino acids (FAA) above requirements for growth. Here, researchers attempted to assess whether a longer adaptation period to FAA supplementation...
Impacting greenhouse gas emissions through diet change
Understanding the impact of nonconventional ingredients in swine diets on the environment is important; specifically how they may alter manure output and GHG emissions. Increasing dietary fibre may increase hindgut fermentation and the production of GHG emissions, but might not affect performance of the pigs...
Enrich your pigs, enrich your profits
Enriching a sow’s environment is easy, inexpensive and offers a range of benefits. This was made clear by the project “From Innovation to Adoption: On-farm demonstration of Swine Research”, which was led by Ken Engele at Prairie Swine Centre and Geneviève Berthiaume at CDPQ. One...
Post-doctoral Position: Development of an on-farm tool to measure quality of life and sustainability in farmed pigs
Post-doctoral Position - Swine Welfare: Development of an on-farm tool to measure quality of life and sustainability in farmed pigs Location: University of Saskatchewan – Western College of Veterinary Medicine, Canada Start date: September 2023 (some flexibility on start date by arrangement). Duration: Two years, with the option to...
Career Opportunity – Maintenance Specialist
Swine Barn Maintenance Specialist Full-time Permanent Apply by: June 30, 2023 Email resume to: Prairie Swine Centre is a non-profit swine production research organization affiliated with the University of Saskatchewan and located 10km southeast of Saskatoon. We offer a nationally and internationally recognized program in research, knowledge transfer,...