Effect of Wheat Quality and Xylanase Supplementation on Weaned Pigs
Variation in nutritional quality of feed is common and impacts the pigs performance. Protein and fibre content influence nutritional quality between wheat samples. A fibre degrading enzyme supplement may reduce quality variation of wheat on pig performance. The variation was partially reduced by xylanase supplementation...
Nutritional Value of Corn and Wheat Distillers Grain and Growth Performance
Increasing quantities of distiller's dried grains with solubles (DDGS) are becoming available for livestock rations as the ethanol industry grows. The nutritional value of DDGS is not fully understood for swine. Generally, a higher concentration of nutrients such as protein, vitamins, fat, fibre and minerals...
Xylanase and Phytase Supplementation on Growth Performance of Grower Pigs
If nutrients bound by the arabinoxylan and phytate of wheat millrun could be released through enzyme supplementation, feed costs may decrease or nutrient intake may be enhanced. Larger inclusion rates of wheat millrun into swine diets could also be allowed while maintaining growth performance. Decreasing...
Nutritional Value of Zero-Tannin Faba Beans for Grower-Finisher Hogs
Zero-tannin faba beans are available in Alberta and so nutrient content and a performance study need to be completed in order to see if they may be a potential replacement to soybean meal in swine diets. Amino acid and energy digestibility, chemical characteristics, DE and...
Crowding Reduces Performance of Weanling Pigs
Floor space in a swine operation needs to be used efficiently in the aspects of space and pig performance. Many floor space experiments examine different group sizes on the same floor space which leads to confounding results due to groups size being a large variable....
Interaction Among Lactose, Plasma Proteins and Crowding in Weanlings
Current starter programs use lactose and porcine plasma as key ingredients. If antibiotic use in diet is restricted, these may become more important. Depending on age or weight of the pigs, these feed additives may have differential effects. This is compared to groups with different...
Dietary Phytase Reduces Phosphorus Excretion in Weanling Pigs
Phytase use in pig diets is increasing as it is effective in improving the digestibility of phosphorus in cereal grains. Less total phosphorus is needed and phosphorus output is decreased along with feeding costs. The calcium to phosphorus ratio needs to be clarified as the...
Greenhouse Gas Emission from NAP-Covered Earthen Manure Storage Basin
The agriculture sector contributes to Canada's greenhouse gas emissions, with livestock operations and manure storage having a large part. A negative air pressure (NAP) cover may help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from earthen storage basins. The NAP-cover had a minor improvement on greenhouse gas emissions...
Manure Handling Systems Reduce Air Contaminants in Swine Barns
Various factors were studied to understand the sources of air contamination in intensive swine operations. Once the factors effect is decreased, the overall effect on air quality should be illustrated. Two manure-handling systems were tested to see which eliminates all manure contamination best; one was...
Social Factors Affecting Injury Levels and Behaviour of Sows in a ESF System
Stress after regrouping may alter behaviours and decrease the farrowing rate in sows. Resting locations, eating order and injuries reflect the severity of stress experienced. Behaviour was studied too see the impact stage of implantation, parity and familiarity with penmates had. Post-implantation, unfamiliar and younger...