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Saskatoon, SK, S7H 5N9

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PAMI Builds Tanker Truck for Research and Demonstration

A truck-based system with vacuum/pressure tank was developed to apply swine manure to research and demonstration plots throughout Saskatchewan. It can travel long distances, use a high or low disturbance injection to apply swine manure and be able to pump manure from swine directly from...

Effectiveness of Three Manure Pit Additives

Evaluation of three manure pit additives on their effectiveness in reducing manure strength and solids, odour threshold and gas concentrations above the manure surface, and maintaining micronutrient and nutrient content was completed. The additives investigated were Pit Boss, American BioCatalysts and Westbridge (H4-5O2). The additives...

Humidity Control Strategies for Winter Conditions

Automatically adjusting ventilation according to room humidity could optimize energy requirements while improving the buildings room conditions. Under Prairie winter conditions, a conventional temperature control system and a temperature-humidity control system were evaluated through a computer model. The optimum strategy was the temperature-humidity control system...

Engineering Controls Reduce Hydrogen Sulphide Exposure in Swine Barns

Three engineering control measures were developed and tested for effectiveness in protecting swine barn workers from exposure to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas during manure handling events. A remote manure pit plug pulling  system allowed the worker to pull the manure pit plug from outside the room. A water sprinkling apparatus...

Pigs Consume more Water When Stressed

Two novel technologies consisting of an individual water consumption system (IWCS) and infrared thermography system (ITHS) were installed in a finishing room. The individual water consumption  system (installed in each pen) was composed of a nipple drinker attached to a water flow meter, and an...

Mitigating Deterioration of Swine Facilities

On average, Canadian swine buildings are 20 - 30 years old; over the next few years, these buildings need renovations or may be replaced with new construction. This project set out to identify potential solutions applicable to Canadian conditions to mitigate the rapid deterioration of swine buildings....