Developing Spray-Dried Animal Plasma Programs for DON Contaminated Diets
This study was designed to determine if feeding high quality diets supplemented with spray-dried animal plasma (SDAP) during the early post-weaning period, will provide benefits if deoxynivalenol (DON)contaminated diets are fed in subsequent phases. Two blocks of newly weaned pigs were fed according...
Mitigating DON Through Optimal Use of Blood Plasma
Previous research showed that nursery pigs fed deoxynivalenol (DON) contaminated diets supplemented with spray-dried porcine plasma (SDPP) had similar growth rate and feed intake as those consuming non-contaminated diets. In this study, two blocks of 100 weanling pigs were used to determine the optimal...
Influence of Sow Lactation Feeding System on Performance
All three feeding systems resulted in similar sow and litter performance, however, both the electronic and modified feeding system resulted in a significant reduction in feed wastage and, therefore, an estimated saving in feed costs of $8.50 per lactation compared to manual feeding....
Spray Dried Bovine Plasma for DON Contaminated Nursery Diets
The current experiment showed that DON did have a detrimental effect on ADFI and also showed some negative eff ects on ADG. Moreover, SDBP showed a beneficial effect on ADFI when present with DON in the diet but did not have a beneficial...
Effect of Grinding on the Digestible and Net Energy Content of Field Peas
This project aimed at generating reliable information on the digestible and net energy content (DE and NE) in growing pigs fed with field peas ground at 3 different screen-opening sizes (fine, medium and coarse) to obtain different average particle sizes: 156, 650 and...
Flaxseed Meal in Swine Rations: Standardized Ileal Amino Acid Digestibility
Flaxseed meal contains 34% CP and also contains appreciable amounts of many of the essential amino acids. The SID coefficients for the essential amino acids range from 67 to 94%, which affeccts the overall protein quality of the product; however, the amounts of...
Net Energy Content of Canola Meal and Full-Fat Canola Seeds in Swine
The project aimed to estimate the net energy (NE) content of canola meal (CM) and full-fat canola seeds (FFCS) in swine and to validate these values, through growth studies using diets containing graded levels of CM or FFCS. No difference in average daily...
Digestible and Net Energy Content of Toasted and Non-Toasted Canola Meal
Canola meal (CM) is a valuable source of essential amino acids for pigs, although the digestibility of these nutrients is limited by both composition (high dietary fibre level) and processing (toasting). Its low energy value is probably the most limiting factor for its...
Response of Finishing Pigs to High and Low Crude Protein Diets
Supplementing a low protein diet with the limiting amino acids is often more cost effective than using an additional amount of the particular protein source. Two experiments conducted using grower and finisher pigs confirmed that performance could be maintained when either high or...
High-Oil Oat Groats for Weaned Pigs
The interest for weaned pigs of oat groats with high oil content was evaluated. The groats contained 95 g oil, 159 g crude protein and 3.72 Mcal DE/kg DM. Weaned pigs fed for 4 weeks (7 to 22 kg) with diets containing...
Ensiled High Moisture Barley and Wheat in Nursery Pig Diets
The primary objective of this research was to investigate the nutritional value of high moisture (HM) barley and wheat ensiled with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with or without the addition of feed enzymes for nursery pigs. Overall, the results showed that HM...
High Fibre Diets for Swine
Feed cost represents more than 60% of the variable cost of swine production and a major part of the feed cost is to ensure that pigs have adequate energy and protein supply to reach their optimum potential in terms of the production goals. Corn, wheat,...