Can Simple Nursery Diets Save You Money?
Compensatory growth is possible after reductions in growth rate, so nursery diet costs may be reduced without affecting growth performance in the long run. Robustness is decreased when fed a simple nursery diet compared to a complex one. No differences were found in carcass quality...
What Can We Learn From the Three Hitch Point
Standardizing operating systems may have many benefits. Benchmarking studies help measure these benefits and they have shown that standardizing may lead to large financial yields. Areas of focus should be the physical building, mechanical systems, animal handling, electrical systems and waste systems. These systems often...
Euthanasia Alternatives
Several advantages can be found when implementing timely and well-planned euthanasia's. Unnecessary suffering and costs are both reduced and welfare is improved due to a higher chance of survival of the other piglets. The most common euthanasia method in Canada is blunt force trauma, but...
Better Pork October 2020
Articles in the October 2020 Better Pork Include: Beyond the Barn: Canadian Pork Industry Shares Comments on CUSMA, Colostrum Critical for Piglets, Added Tests to Monitor for ASF The new North American trade agreement, CUSMA, did not significantly alter Canada's pork industry. Some benefits are...
Better Pork August 2020
Articles in the August 2020 Better Pork Include: Beyond the Barn: Stricter U.S. Ruling Needed for Cull Sow Movement, Mysterious Rash Appears on Sows, Swine Researchers Battle S. Suis Stricter rules are needed on how long cull sows can remain in the U.S. marketing channel...
Better Pork June 2020
Articles in the June 2020 Better Pork Include: Beyond the Barn: Scientists Aim to Boost Piglet Performance, Risk Management Pilot Underway, Preparing Pork this BBQ Season Micronutrient supplementation may help improve piglet growth and development. Oral supplements to the sow during gestation and lactation altered...
Better Pork April 2020
Articles in the April 2020 Better Pork Include: Beyond the Barn: The Pork Sector's Beef With Protein Labelling, Gut Check: How to Improve Pig Health, Ontario Team Wins Innovation Award Impossible Foods' created a new Impossible Pork product that is supposed to mimic real pork....
Better Pork February 2020
Articles in the February 2020 Better Pork Include: Beyond the Barn: USMCA: Much Ado About Something for Producers, Ontario Updates Animal Welfare Bill, Stakeholders Brace for Risk of ASF The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement has been signed. Canadian pork farmers are competing for scarce resources like...
Better Pork December 2019
Articles in the December 2019 Better Pork Include: Beyond the Barn: Seneca Valley Virus Rears Its Ugly Head, U.S. Updates Slaughter Inspections, A New Approach to Vaccination Seneca Valley Virus has clinical signs similar to reportable vesicular foreign animal disease like foot-and-mouth disease, swine vesicular...
Better Pork October 2019
Articles in the October 2019 Better Pork Include: Beyond the Barn: Video Games Test Swine Disease Control Efforts, Keeping ASF Out of Canada, Producers See Red Over Markets Farmers' risk attitudes are studied through a video game and how they respond to disease threats. This...