Validation of Sampling Techniques for Assessing Stress in Pigs by Salivary Cortisol
Cortisol is often used as a measure of stress in pigs. Multiple samples are often taken to see how long it is elevated and when the peak of the stress response was. Adrenal function tests are used when studying long term stressors to see if...
Stress Response and Meat Quality of Pigs Transported in a Pot-Belly Truck During Summer and Winter
Transport of pigs involves a large number of potential stressors that could have an effect on meat quality and value of the carcass. Long distances and extreme weather conditions are often present in western Canada transportation. Dual purpose trailers can accommodate pigs or cattle, with...
Handling Stress During Marketing of Pigs from Large Groups
Pigs from conventional small groups are less socially tolerant compared to pigs from larger groups and fight more when in re-grouping scenarios such as marketing. Pigs from large groups are easier to load and handle as well. Fewer deaths have been recorded during marketing when...
Comparison of Management Factors Affecting Aggression in Group Housed Sows
When groups are formed in group housing of sows during gestation, some degree of aggression is present. This may affect farrowing weight and increases number of scratches, even though the aggression is usually short lived. Sows that were re-grouped within a few days of breeding...
Productivity of Sows and Gilts in Various Management Programs with ESF
Numerous consumer groups are advocating for group housing for sows due to the restriction of movement in gestation stalls. Ensuring appropriate feed levels and minimizing aggression can be challenging in group housing. Electronic sow feeders are an option for group housing as it allows one...
Large Group Auto-Sort: Potential and Problems
Large Group Auto Sort (LGAS) applies electronic technology to manage grow-finish pigs and is relatively new. It can be cost effective to assemble many animals into a pen by using similar weights derived from electronic sorting scales and sorting gates. Due to mixed reviews, more...
Space Allowance for Finishing Pigs Affects Productivity, Health and Behaviour
Animal care and economic implications are very involved in space allowance for finishing pig production. Space allowance and group size was investigated along with productivity measurements. For both large and small groups, average daily gain was reduced when space allowance decreased at around the same...
Belly Nosing, Belly Suckling, and Tail Biting in Early Weaned Pigs
A problem associated with early weaning of piglets is a higher incidence of behavioural issues including belly directed behaviour. Two forms of belly directed behaviour are belly nosing and belly sucking. These two forms were observed in relation to tail biting and other oral-nasal behaviours...
Feeding and Social Behaviour of Finishing Pigs in Fully Slatted Large Groups
Smaller group sizes have been studied much more than larger ones which are now more common in North America. Pigs may adapt differently in large social groups which could alter their behaviours and feeding activity. Changes in behaviour could lead to lower productivity and welfare...
Effects of Housing Finishing Pigs in Varying Group Sizes and Space Allocations
Crowding has been shown to have a negative impact on welfare and productivity of pigs in small groups. Large groups of pigs may be better at using space more efficiently. Space requirements were assessed in large and small groups to see how the pigs were...