Reducing Water Consumption in Swine Barns
Demonstrating Management Practices that Enhance the Sustainability of Pork Production Activity 1.3 – Reducing Water Consumption in Swine Barns The following publications will assist producers in making effective decisions to optimize water usage within their production units. ...
Auditing On-Farm Best Management Practices
ACTIVITY 3. Auditing On-Farm Best Management Practices Objective: Measure the pork industry’s adoption of best management practices that reduce cost of production, enhance sustainability and reduce labour commitments. ...
Improving Biosecurity in Swine Transport
While on farm biosecurity measures are increasingly stringent, a major gap that can allow for transmission of disease is biosecurity in transport. As such, new cleaning procedures for trailers must be developed to make sanitizing trailers easy and effective. Problems associated with cleaning trailers include...
Performance Response of Piglets to Acid-Preserved, High-Moisture Wheat
One objective of this trial was to determine the effectiveness of feeding acid-preserved, high moisture wheat as an alternative to directly supplementing acid to the wheat diet of weanling pigs. Acidification of wheat with propionic acid resulted in a significant improvement in feed efficiency (G:F)...
Transitioning to Loose Sow Housing
One producer's (John Van Engelen, Ontario) lessons in making the transition to group sow housing. As presented to a Group Sow Housing Seminar in the fall of 2017. ...
Understanding the Interaction between Nutrition and Pig Health
With new legislation eliminating the use of in-feed antibiotics for growth promotion in Canada and increasing consumer pressure to reduce antibiotic use in animal agriculture, it is critical that we develop alternatives to antibiotic use in order to maintain animal performance and health during immune...
Mitigating Barn Deterioration
When we look across the Canadian pork industry it becomes apparent that due to the age of most facilities a large percentage will need to be replaced or renovated over the next few years – as most buildings average between 20-30 years old. The majority...
Group Sow Housing Resources
The following resources are designed for producers looking to make the transition to group sow housing. ...
Enrichment for Sows: Increases Positive Behavior
On Canadian farms, interest in enrichment has grown recently due to changes in the Code of Practice requirements, stating that ‘Pigs must be provided with multiple forms of enrichment… to improve the welfare of the animals through the enhancement of their physical and social environments.’ This...