Earthen Manure Storage Monitoring: PSC Elstow Research Farm Inc.
As the Saskatchewan hog industry grows, so does the publics environmental awareness. This has led to earthen manure storages having higher standards to uphold to. These improvements have not decreased public concern, so solute migration through the liners of different hog manure storages are being...
Evaluation and Demonstration of Deads Composting as an Option for Dead Animal Management in Saskatchewan
As the hog industry expands, new advancements must be developed to ensure it is sustainable both economically and environmentally. An option that meets this criteria is composting for on-farm disposal of dead stock. A straw/manure mix made up a test compost pile with mortalities added...
Baseline Environmental Data Collection for Research and Production Facility
Intensive livestock operations have potential environmental impacts which limit the establishment of these operations. To understand the impact that is produced, the changes in environmental conditions before and after the facility is operating must be made. Air, soil and water were sampled around the facility...
Oil Sprinkling and Dietary Manipulation to Reduce Odour Control and Gas Emissions from Grower-Finisher Buildings – Laboratory Scale Experiment
Hog barns emit a continuous emission of odours by the ventilation system which have a negative impact on the surrounding area. Canola oil sprinkling and specific pig diets may be able to decrease the gas and odour emissions from swine buildings. Three diets were observed,...
Two-Airspace Buildings Design for Reducing Odour and Gas Emissions from Grower-Finisher Barns
Nearby residents often find odour and gas emissions from swine operations to be a nuisance. Most barns have outside manure storage which increases the odour sources; the outside manure storage and the barn. To reduce the emissions from the area, the manure could be kept...
Optimizing of a Sprinkling System using Undiluted Canola Oil for Dust Control in Pig Buildings
High dust levels in pig barns are a health hazard for farm workers. Different methods have been tested with oil spraying or sprinkling being the most effective method so far. Unfortunately, this used to require very intensive labour to manually spray the oil and its...
PAMI Builds Tanker Truck for Research and Demonstration
A truck-based system with vacuum/pressure tank was developed to apply swine manure to research and demonstration plots throughout Saskatchewan. It can travel long distances, use a high or low disturbance injection to apply swine manure and be able to pump manure from swine directly from...
Behavioural Diversity in Groups of Juvenile Pigs
Individual differences in pig behaviour may be strategies of coping with a challenging environment. Pig performance varies and this may be related to individual behavioural characteristics. Three main factors were identified regarding personality. These included responses to social displacement activities, response to humans and moving...
Sequential Analysis of Belly Nosing of Early Weaned Pigs
Belly nosing has increased since implementing segregated early weaning in order to improve disease control and performance. To investigate how to decrease this behaviour, motivation behind belly nosing was monitored on pigs 7 days after weaning. Pigs who spend more time lying and eating participated...
Effect of Feed Presentation on the Feeding Behaviour of Grower-Finisher Pigs
The eating speed of pigs should be correlated with the maximum number of pigs to be fed from a single feeder. Competition, feed type, pig size and presentation of feed all influence feeding behaviour of pigs. Dry mash diets prolong feeding times, though this can...