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Farrowing and Savaging in Wild Boar Sows

Behaviours such as savaging have sometimes been attributed to the domestication process. In order to decrease loss of piglets due to aggression, savaging behaviours should be further understood. Farmed wild boar sows of three genetic lines were videotaped during farrowing. Sows were aggressive towards 33%...

Effect of Increasing Group Size on Grower-Finisher Pigs

Housing grower-finisher pigs in larger pens while increasing group size has been increasingly of interest. Group sizes of 10, 20, 40 and 80 per pen were observed in the aspects of health and production. Group size does not significantly differ the health and production of...

Motivated for Movement – What is the cost of sow exercise?

Preliminary sow performance measures suggest exercising stall-housed gestating sows for 10 minutes, once per week has minimal effects on the productivity of younger sows, but may have a positive effect on older parity sows -  increasing the number of live born and reducing stillborns. With...

Water Intake and Wastage from Nipple Drinkers

Among nutrients, water is required in the greatest amount but has received the least attention. Water intake of grower/finisher pigs has been reported to range from 1.9 to 6.8 l/d, depending on body weight and feed intake. However, most ‘water intake’ reported in the literature is water disappearance from drinkers,...

Effects of Enrichment Objects on Piglet Growth and Behaviour

The purpose of this study was to perform an initial evaluation of pigs’ preferences for several enrichment objects and examine their effects on piglet growth and welfare during the nursery period. Thirty litters were selected at farrowing and assigned to three treatments: enrichment provided post-weaning (EN), enrichment provided both pre- and post-weaning...

Practical Alternatives for Managing Castration Pain in Piglets

The objective of this project was to evaluate drugs and administration procedures to help identify effective and practical pain control strategies for piglets at castration across three different studies.  Results indicate the analgesic, ketoprofen, has a positive effect on reducing pain following castration when given 30 minutes to 1 h before...

Group Sow Housing

The National Sow Housing Conversion Project (NSHCP) was a Canada-wide project with the purpose of providing group sow housing information to swine producers and industry partners.  For more information please click on the image below. ...

Practical Environmental Enrichment Strategies for Piglets

Pigs are intelligent and curious from birth, and the lactation and nursery periods are critical for their mental and  physical development. Despite this, research  on suitable enrichments for piglets is lacking. Research that has been done found that piglets  given enrichment had increased play and exploratory behaviours...

Impact of Prod Use on Highly Stressed Pigs

Pigs were subjected to three different handling treatments as we moved them through a 300m handling course. Despite traveling the same distance as the others, pigs moved at a moderate pace with only a board, quiet voice and gentle slaps, were essentially unstressed by the procedure. Pigs handled aggressively,...