Graduate Opportunities

Graduate Student Training

Are you interested in pursuing a graduate degree (MSc or PhD)? Prairie Swine Centre is affiliated with the University of Saskatchewan and has the experience and expertise to help you achieve your goals. We have both applied and basic research programs for a wide range of topics in animal science and engineering and related fields, including the following specializations:

Jen-Yun Chou

  • Pig behaviour and welfare
  • Farm animal welfare
  • Applied ethology
  • Interdisciplinary research in farm animal studies

Dan Columbus

  • Swine nutrition
  • Physiology and metabolism
  • Nutrition and health
  • Early-life nutrition
  • Nutrient utilization

Bernardo Predicala

  • Improvement in indoor air quality and reduction of odour and gaseous emissions from pig barns

All degrees will be granted through the University of Saskatchewan. You can learn more about specific College admission requirements below.


Individual departments have a number of graduate teaching or research opportunities available and your supervisor may have funding from their research grants for eligible students. When you speak with potential supervisors about the research you would like to do, ask about funding opportunities.

Graduate Student Opportunities

There are currently no graduate student opportunities. Please check back at a later date. Feel free to reach out to one of our Research Scientists for additional opportunities.

Saskatoon, SK
Job description