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Volume 17, May 2020

Ideas to Fine Tune Your Operation


During these unprecedented times producers are challenged with maintaining operational efficiency and assessing external factors that directly impact their operations.  By taking a inward approach we may be able to find little things that can positively impact the bottom line.  As we start to find our way forward these cost saving strategies will help us reinvest in our operations and industry sooner.  The following resources provide a good starting point on ways to look at your operation to drive cost out of the production system.  Originally produced as survival strategies in 2008, we have updated this publication as many of the topics remain relevant today.  If you have any questions or comments we are always available to hear from you.


Auditing On-Farm Best Management Practices


A series of fact sheets that will walk you through each phase within production facilities across Canada.  Each fact sheet provides detail on the level of adoption of best management practices, including identifying those areas that are well received and those than require improvement.


A Message to All Our Stakeholders Regarding COVID 19


With the continuing global and provincial spread of COVID 19 it is important that we all do what we can to help reduce the spread of this virus. Prairie Swine Centre takes our obligations and commitments to our employees, our animals, producers, funding agencies and the Canadian pork industry very seriously, and have implemented several precautionary measures within our business structure.

As a leader within the Canadian pork industry, over time, we have developed a system of policies and procedures that help us best manage events seen today. We continue to build on these habits to ensure everyone remains safe and healthy throughout this critical period. Biosecurity programs developed throughout the pork industry are serving all of us well. Not only do they protect our animals, they better enable us to prepare for challenges identified in the coming days and months.


Coming Events

All industry events planned for April to June have been cancelled at this time.
Please check back at a later date.

Supporting Agencies