Group housing will soon be required in barns, but many Quebec producers have not made plans to invest in the transition. Many producers plan to sell or close due mostly to the expense, but the producers that have transitioned and generally happy with their new system. Agri-Marché is one company that has decided to transition all of the sites connected to their network over to group housing. They have already transition two sites: one to a floor feeding system, and the other to an ESF system. The first site was a multiplication unit that raised only gilts, and is over 30 years old. It was transitioned over to a farrowing unit, and the number of sows was increased from 250 to 640, and cost per head was $640. The second site was newer (1999), and was transitioned to a batch farrowing unit. The use of panels allowed the original flooring to be kept (1/3 solid, 2/3 slatted), and the ESF to be used despite the different dimensions of the pens. The sow herd increased from 250 to 850 sows, and the cost per head was $380. Both projects had their advantages and disadvantages, but can both be an example of modifying existing barns to fit the new regulations.