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Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

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Alternatives to in feed antibiotics: Options, limitations and opportunities

Posted in: Nutrition, Pork Insight Articles by admin on May 9, 2017

There are currently three broad strategies for antibiotic alternatives and they are outlined in this review as follows.

  1. Promoting a stable and healthy gut microflora that excludes pathogens and promotes optimal gut function and animal health
  2. Killing and inhibiting potential pathogens or detrimental microbes
  3. Enhancing nutrient availability, digestion and uptake.

Alternatives for promoting a healthy and stable gut flora:

  • Probiotics
    • Live microorganisms that promote a healthy gut microbial profile
  • Prebiotics
    • Nutritionally support microbes considered beneficial to gut health
  • Essential oils
    • Some have antibacterial effects while others increase palatability
  • Organic acids
    • Modulate gut microbes by reducing PH
    • May also increase protien digestion
  • Exogenous enzymes
    • Alter transit time of gut contents
    • provide additional substrates to facilitate bacterial fermentation and the production of volatile fatty acids

Much research continues in an effort to find and develop cost effective alternative products that match or exceed the production benefits associated with in feed antibiotics. As of yet, no single product, or combination of products, appears to consistently provide all of the benefits of or multiple modes of action as do antibiotics. Effects of current alternatives are likely  to be more subtle, often encouraging a healthy gut microbiota, but not as likely to overcome significant pathogen loads or preexisting diseases, in contrast to antimicrobial products. Producers must think of alternatives as preventative agents that work in concert with optimal management, nutrition, housing and other husbandry practices to optimizing growth and performance.

Alternatives to in feed antibiotics Options, limitations and opportunities

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