After all the information sessions and public consultation meetings were held across Ontario, the following changes regarding the implementation of the regulations under the Nutrient Management Act are:
– Making July 1, 2003 the implementation date of the proposed regulations for all livestock farms and those expanding into and within the large category.
– Making 2005 the implementation date for existing large livestock farms
– Tying the implementation dates of any further regulations, other than the new and expanding livestock farms, to the availability of cost-shared funding
– A protocol would be established whereby the ministry of the environment would have the ultimate authority to ensure compliance with the regulations through investigations and enforcement
– The ministry of Agriculture and Food would be the first point of contact for on-farm nutrient management issues, including monitoring.
– Setting up a provincial advisory committee that would provide recommendations to the government regarding nutrient management issues. It would include farmers, environmental scientists, municipal representative and others.
– Some of the issues that would be referred to this committee for further examination are:
– When the proposed regulations would apply to all types of farms except new livestock farms, large livestock farms and those expanding into the large livestock farm category
– Restrictions regarding the siting and construction of nutrient storage as well as manure handling and application near municipal wells
– Seasonal outdoor feeding area standards
– Manure storage issues for existing operations
– Decommissioning of manure storages
– Nutrient application on tile-drained land
– Nutrient application on shallow soils
– Odour-related setback and standards
– Winter spreading restrictions for nutrients from the pulp and paper sector
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