
 Industry Partners

Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

Prairie Swine Centre is grateful for the assistance of the George Morris Centre in developing the economics portion of Pork Insight.

Financial support for the Enterprise Model Project and Pork Insight has been provided by:

Author(s): Don Flaten, Ken Snelgrove, Ian Halket, Kathy Buckley, Grant Penn,
Publication Date: January 1, 2003
Reference: Don Flaten, Ken Snelgrove, Ian Halket, Kathy Buckley, Grant Penn (2003). Acceptable Phosphorus Concentrations in Soils and Impact on the Risk of Phosphorus Transfer from Manure Amended Soils to Surface Waters. Phase 1 of MLMMI Project #02-HERS-01
Country: Canada


Manure is a valuable source of P for crop production. However, applying too much manure P,
especially in the wrong place, is not only agronomically wasteful, but potentially harmful to the
environment. As a result of recent increases in Manitoba’s production of livestock, the risk of
transfer of manure P from agricultural land to surface water is probably increasing. However,
the amounts of P that are discharged from livestock production and other agricultural activities
are very difficult to determine due to a lack of hydrological data and, more important, a lack of
data on the transfer of P from soil to water. Part of this problem is due to the highly variable
impact of soil type, P management, landscape and climate on P retention and release by soil,
information that is not well documented for Manitoba conditions. Fortunately, livestock
producers have a wide variety of potential techniques for reducing P discharge from their
operations; however, the technical and economic merit of these techniques is generally not well
documented either, for Manitoba conditions. As a result of these challenges, legislation and
regulation regarding P management should be introduced cautiously to ensure environmental
protection without undue hardship to the agricultural industry.

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