
 Industry Partners

Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

Prairie Swine Centre is grateful for the assistance of the George Morris Centre in developing the economics portion of Pork Insight.

Financial support for the Enterprise Model Project and Pork Insight has been provided by:

Author(s): National Institute of Statistics (Istat)
Publication Date: January 1, 2006
Reference: Essays n. 16 - 2006 For information, please contact: Istat, Unit for Environment statistics and Sustainable development e-mail: amb@istat.it Tel. 06.46734676
Country: Italy


Main aim was to asses the state of art for research on agrienvironmental
indicators. The present report tries to clarify where the data demand
arises from, which are the priorities to be faced and which is the availability
of basic data or methodologies referring to specific issues.
Main agrienvironmental issues addressed by existing policy, either generated
in the integration process of the existing sectoral policy or in the development
of specific environmental issue policy, are listed. The existing
policy on sustainable development is also analysed referring to issues related
to the agriculture sector.
Monitoring of agrienvironment related phenomena is thus required,
through a harmonised system of indicators. Conceptual frameworks existing
at international level on environmental indicators and on sustainability, and
the related indicator lists, are presented, in some cases showing overlapping
and differences. Such lists represent a reference point to refer to and the
data demand arising at international level, so that assessing basic data
availability at national level in order to comply with such lists is becoming
necessary. Integration of such lists can also be required whenever it is
recognised that a specific issue, not considered at international level, needs
to be faced at national level.
Monitoring agrienvironmental issues involves an enormous variety of skills including statistical work and scientific research. Statistical approach
has to proceed knowing the steps ahead made on the comprehension of
a specific phenomenon. On the other hand, data producer and data user,
having institutional tasks, should work in closer cooperation to better evaluate
existing database, and where necessary to immediately clarify which
is the evolution of the data demand.
A review of available indicators, of basic data and, in some cases,
of the related calculation methodology, in relation to some specific issues,
is presented (paragraph 5). Focuses on specific issues are provided. The
Environmental methodologies and statistics Unit in Istat provided an overview of the agricultural practices that can affect pressures on the environment,
that might be worth to monitor, evaluating statistical activity done
in the last years in Istat to integrate existing surveys on such issues (paragraph
5.1). The same Unit performed also a deepening(a) on availability of
data and information collected through farm structure survey on use of
water in agriculture for irrigation purpose (paragraph 5.2). The mentioned
contributions show the enormous work done since 1998 integrating existing
surveys, mainly surveys on farm structure, and planning of new one
(use of plant protection products) in order to comply with the increasing
data demand arising on agrienvironmental issues. Furthermore, the
Statistics on agriculture inputs Unit in Istat presented its activity related to
statistics on sale (paragraph 5.3.1) and use (paragraph 5.3.2) of plant protection
products. Highlights on the activity carried out by Istat are provided
with reference to the waste generation and management issue (paragraph
5.4). Methodology applied by Istat to calculate Gross nitrogen balance
indicator is also depicted and results are presented at national level.
The other Institution involved in this project was the Agency for the protection
of the environment and for technical services (Apat)1 on ongoing
production of data and on future improvements on some gas emissions
from the agriculture sector (paragraph 5.6), such as ammonia (paragraph
5.6.1), carbon dioxide (paragraph 5.6.2), methane and nitrous oxide (paragraph
5.6.3). Lastly a full list of agrienvironmental indicators organised by
theme and derived from variables surveyed through agriculture census of
year 2000 is presented (paragraph 5.7).

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