We tested the effect of Trp addition to a standard weaning diet and oral challenge with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88 (ETEC) on growth and health of piglets susceptible or nonsusceptible to the intestinal adhesion of ETEC. It was concluded that the need to consider the phenotype for the adhesion of the ETEC in studies with different supply of Trp was clearly evident. When compared with practical weaning standard diets, Trp supplementation allowed susceptible pigs to partially compensate for the effects of ETEC challenge by increasing feed intake and maintaining an adequate BW
growth. This is of practical importance for the formulation of diets for pigs selected for lean growth because of the presence of an association between this trait and the susceptibility to the intestinal adhesion of ETEC.
For more information the full article can be found at http://jas.fass.org/
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