Air Filtration

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HEPA and ULPA filters to supplant rival technologies

Posted in: Air Filtration, Pork Insight Articles by admin on May 28, 1998 | No Comments

An economic report believes that the demand for high quality air filters, specifically HEPA filters, will increase in Europe in the early years of the 2000s. Germany, the UK and France are the major market holders in the air filtration industry but smaller producers like Italy and Greece will increase production to drive up the supply. Although, the major producing countries, who have the major companies, will continue to dominate the markets. As this market becomes more competitive companies are trying to differentiate themselves by offering after sale services such as technical support and additional equipment to attract more clients. Also filtration designs have improved by innovative companies looking to improve their products. There is a lot of different applications of filters now available to customers.

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus: a persistent infection

Posted in: Air Filtration, Pork Insight Articles by admin on August 23, 1997 | No Comments

This study attempts to expand on the knowledge we have about the PRRS virus especially about the shedding patterns of PRRS. Four week old PRRSv antibody-negative pigs were instranasally inoculated with PRRSv. Serum samples were taken until 213 days post inoculation (PI) also fecal samples were taken. Turbinate, tonsil, lung, parotid salivary gland, spleen, lymph nodes and serum were collected postmortem on day 220 PI. Evaluation of the samples found that no PRRSv was isolated from fecal matter, but 3 of 24 samples were PCR positive. Viruses were isolated in oropharyngeal samples, and all tissues collected postmortem were VI negative and postmortem tonsil samples were also negative. An important element in the transmission of PRRSV is the duration of virus shedding. This study provides evidence of the persistence of PRRSv. It also explains how the long term herd infection and transmission happen through the purchase of clinically normal but PRRSv infected pigs.


Prevalence of the PRRS virus in the United States

Posted in: Air Filtration, Pork Insight Articles by admin on January 27, 1997 | No Comments

PRRS virus has been the main health concern in the pork industry for a number of years. The disease impacts herd performance both in reproduction and growth. In 1995 farmers were allowed to send in 30 blood samples to see if they had PRRS positive pigs because the virus is difficult to detect visually. 8 038 samples were collected from 286 producer units. Looking at the samples found that about 75% of the operations did not vaccinate for PRRS and about 60 percent of the units had at least one pig test positive for PRRS. In the breeding herd over half the units had at least one PRRS positive sample. The average farm had 31% of its females with PRRS positive blood, while 12% of the farms had every female infected with PRRS. For the finishing herd, the average population had over half their samples test positive for PRRS, while almost 40% of operations had all there samples test positive for PRRS.


Posted in: Air Filtration, Pork Insight Articles by admin on August 31, 1996 | No Comments

This is a short review of the book Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS). When PRRS was first discovered it caused a large amount of concern and even more when it was found in Germany in 1990. Since then a lot has been learned about the virus that is responsible for the disease and it is recognized as a disease to be lived with rather than eliminated. Fortunately the disease was not as severe for most farms as originally feared. This does not take away from the importance of the work being done to understand the disease. The author of the review believes it is an important book for swine veterinarians.

La filtration de I’air

Posted in: Air Filtration, Pork Insight Articles by admin on November 28, 1995 | No Comments

Le CNEVA de Ploufragan a demontre l’efficacite de la protection sanitaire en utilisant de l’air filtre depuis quinze ans dans son elevage. Pourtant cette technique n’a pas fait ecole, ou plutot n’avait pas fait ecolejusqu’a cejour ; car depuisaout 1995 une seconde installation est en place au centre d’insemination de Landivisiau. Cette realisation s’inscrit dans un projet global breton.

De I’air filtre pour Ie centre d’insemination de Landivisiau

Posted in: Air Filtration, Pork Insight Articles by admin on | No Comments

19 aoflt 1995 : un systeme de filtration d’air est mis en service au centre d’insemination de Landivisiau. Cette technique a pour but de proteger le cheptel contre toute contamination virale par les entrees d’air, sachant que la densite porcine dans les environs du site est particulierement forte. Atout pore a demande aJean-Marie Boissiere, le responsable du site, d’exposer les raisons qui l’ont amene achoisir un tel systeme et de donner ses premieres impressions apres trois mois de fonctionnement.

Design and Efficiency of a Double High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filtered, Laser Monitored Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) System for Transplant/Implant Surgery.

Posted in: Air Filtration, Pork Insight Articles by admin on August 31, 1994 | No Comments

This paper includes abstracts of four journal entries about medical equipment. The journals are:

A Cluster of False Positive Diagnoses of Respiratory Syntactical Virus in Neonates Caused by Misinterpretation of Rapid Antigen Test PAC Results. A. Maroney, RN, MA, ICP; A. Parekh MD, L. Berkowitz, MD, K. Bromberg, MD, B. Bae, PhD, S. Phillips, PhD.

Design and Efficiency of a Double High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filtered, Laser Monitored Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) System for Transplant/Implant Surgery. L. Ayers, MD, P. Kulich, RN, CIC, K. Davis, MT(ASCP)

Orthopedic Surgical Site Infection Follow-up. T. Kamp, RN, L. Haglund, MD,

Interdepartmental Interventions and Surveillance for Ventilators Quality Improvement Activity. H. McGowan, RN, MS, CIC, S. Mattson, MS RN K. Silva, BSN, RN, F.Naylor, MSA, RRT, M. Magee, MS, RD, CNSD.

An Evaluation of the Financial Impacts of PRRS in Nursery Pigs

Posted in: Air Filtration, Pork Insight Articles by admin on June 30, 1994 | No Comments

Many studies have been done to find the value loss from PRRS in a breeding herd, but little has been done to find out the financial impact of the PRRS virus on post weaned pigs. One study found that PRRS in the nursery can extend days to market by 14-30 days, which would result in a cost of 7-15 dollars per marketed pig. Although this study did not account for medication used and other inputs such as the cost of the extra time spent in the barn before market.  Using past data from other studies researchers were able to build a model for predicting the costs of PRRS on nursery pigs. All variables were fixed other than baseline performance and PRRS based performance. The results of the study revealed that PRRS in the nursery had a difference between non-infected and infected pigs of $0.73 per head to $18.21 per head, and 6.06 per head over space per year, to 151.06 per head over space per year.

The Resistance to Air Flow of Farm Building Ventilation Components

Posted in: Air Filtration, Pork Insight Articles by admin on June 18, 1993 | No Comments

This study looks at static air pressure change for a variety of ventilation comp0nents used in agriculture buildings. Ventilation is very important in agriculture as it must remove harmful aerosols and not let the temperature change inside the barn even though seasonal changes can be extreme. This study used twenty-one ventilated wall claddings and ten roof ventilation arrangements for tests. To measure the rate of air pressure change, the air was recorded on the speed at which it moved per meter. The pressure drop characteristics of the items measured were able to be described as a pressure lost coefficient, k. The paper provides the values of k for the various items tested and describes how the use of k simplifies the calculation of pressure losses in complex ventilation paths.


Posted in: Air Filtration, Pork Insight Articles by admin on June 30, 1992 | No Comments

Researchers have created experiments and a model has been developed to measure the effects of mass loading a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) fiber filter during filtration of sub-micron liquid aerosol particles. It was found that penetration of the test medium increased during clogging by a liquid aerosol, and this was irrespective of particle size. The affect was not changed by the physicochemical properties of the test aerosol. Application of a non-stationary filtration model shows that the increase in penetration is in part caused by an increase in interstitial velocity and in part by a decrease in the number of fibers available for capture of particles.

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