
 Industry Partners

Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

Prairie Swine Centre is grateful for the assistance of the George Morris Centre in developing the economics portion of Pork Insight.

Financial support for the Enterprise Model Project and Pork Insight has been provided by:

EMS Monitoring Project Update

Posted in: Environment, Pork Insight Articles by admin on July 13, 2017 | No Comments

The conclusions for this project from the University of Saskatchewan.

• EMS effluent is primarily:ammonium, bicarbonate, chloride and potassium
•Ion exchange appears to play an important role
• EC alone may not be a definitive indicator of seepage
• Mg and Ca can/may be earlier indicators of seepage plume development

EMS Monitoring Project Update


Posted in: Environment, Pork Insight Articles by admin on July 6, 2017 | No Comments

There is opportunity to make more effective use of manure nutrients through balancing with commercial fertilizer. Important considerations identified so far are: 1) the N:P balance with respect to compensating for low N availability in solid manures through application of supplemental fertilizer nitrogen to enhance crop response and utilization of manure P, and 2) the N:S balance with respect to potential limitations of S relative to N on swine manured soils and requirements for additional fertilizer S.


Focus on Environmental Issues and Challenges

Posted in: Economics, Environment, Pork Insight Articles by admin on July 5, 2017 | No Comments

This presentation outlines manure management, pork supply & demand, welfare, importing & exporting and how these topics relate to environmental impact.

Focus on Enviromental Issues and Challenges

Feral Boar: A Potential Serious Threat to Domestic Pig Producers

Posted in: Environment, Pork Insight Articles, Production by admin on June 5, 2017 | No Comments

As of 2013 70% of rural municipalities in Saskatchewan have a high probability of boar presence based on RSPF analysis. These animals are resevoirs and vectors for diseases as well as being highly susceptible to parasites. Feral boar may transmit disease to other wildlife, livestock and humans via a number of routes such as:

? Direct contact through fencing or when fences are breached
? Contamination of feed and water
? Inhalation
? Venereal contact
? Aerosol distribution

Constructing good barriers is critical in mitigating disease spread, reducing and eradicating local populations as well as building better barriers and creating better biosecurity protocols are all ways of reducing the spread of disease.

Feral-Boar-A-Potential-Threat-Pork-Producers-Ruth-Kost-Dr- Ryam-Brook

Animal Proteins Challenging Role in Feeding the Planet -Banff 2017

Posted in: Environment, Pork Insight Articles, Uncategorized by admin on May 8, 2017 | No Comments

Sandra Vijn offered 3 key ways to reach the goal of sustainability in agriculture.

  1. Engaging platforms and multi-stakeholder initiatives
  2. Improved production efficiency
  3. Engaging consumers

Animal Proteins Challenging Role in Feeding the Planet -Banff 2017

Sustainable Intensification -Banff 2017

Posted in: Economics, Environment, Uncategorized by admin on | No Comments

This lecture focuses on production efficiency and GHG emissions, stating that livestock will need to continue to intensify in order to be able to feed the expected population of 9 billion by 2050. Comparing USA to countries like Mexico and India where more animals are needed to produce equal amounts of product Dr.Mitloehner states that the US has fewer inputs and thus fewer impacts meaning that as livestock production intensifies its carbon footprint will decrease. His talk ends with the comment that there are 5 fundamentals for sustainable agriculture. 1.Financial, 2.Animal Welfare, 3.Food Safety, 4.Workers availability and well-being, 5.Environmental. He states that all five are required for sustainable agriculture not just focusing on environment.

Sustainable Intensification -Banff 2017


H2S Awareness Training On-Line Course

Posted in: Environment, Pork Insight Articles, Press Releases by admin on April 13, 2016 | No Comments

Hydrogen Sulphine Awareness Training for Liquid Manure Handling Systems

The 2-Hour On-Line Workshop Includes Instruction in:

  • Properties of H2S
  • Exposure limits to H2S
  • Detection of H2S
  • Demonstration of H2S monitoring and safety equipment
  • Identifying potentially hazardous locations
  • Importance of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and a hands-on approach to writing a procedure
  • Rescue strategies
  • Importance of implementing an emergency response plan

Who Should take the Awareness On-line Course?

Anyone working in an intensive livestock operation or is involved with the handling of liquid manure. Specifically employees and owner-operators in the following sectors:

  • Swine Industry
  • Dairy Industry
  • Liquid Manure Transportation

Important Information and Education for Anyone Who Works with or Transports Liquid Manure

How can you benefit from the Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness Course?

  • Increased workplace safety by increasing awareness of H2S
  • Discover the latest information in strategies to reduce H2S exposure
  • Training is an investment in people

What will you learn with the Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness Course?

  • H2S gas, its properties and threat to human health
  • How to be prepared
  • How to work towards a safer workplace
  • Rescue techniques and safety procedures
  • Case study learning technique is lively and interactive
and/or download our complete brochure.
Start Now to educate yourself on H2S Awareness
Click the link below to start the course

PSC H2S Awareness On-line Course

Controlling hydrogen sulfide emissions from swine operations

Posted in: Air Filtration, Environment, Pork Insight Articles by admin on May 13, 2014 | No Comments

High concentrations of H2S gas are a human and animal health hazard, and can increase the rate of corrosion in barn facilities. Metabolic inhibitors can decrease H2S concentration, but they have not yet been tested in an open system, like a barn. This study isolated manure bacteria capable of metabolizing H2S, and then conducted semi-pilot and room-scale evaluation. Two compounds, molybdate and nitrate, were found to reduce H2S concentration. Nitrate is short acting, but molybdate can act for up to 6 months. Applying both 24-48 hours before activities that agitate manure is recommended. The study found application was financially feasible – with costs under 1% of total costs for a growth cycle.

Environmental Compliance Costs and the Competitiveness

Posted in: Environment, Ontario Pork, Pork Insight Articles by admin on September 24, 2012 | No Comments

This study measured the compliance cost of the current and possible future nutrient management regulations on pig production facilities in Ontario. Two farm types were examined: farrow to finish and finishing facilities. Three farm sizes were considered for each category:  a small farm with 900 pigs produced per year, a medium farm with 4,500 pigs produced per year and a large farm with 10,500 pigs produced per year. Each scenario was then tested with uniform manure application and optimal manure application that varied application rates by crop type based on plant nutrient needs. These scenarios were then examined under nutrient management regulations from the Nutrient Management Act (2002) and the Clean Water Act (2007).   The Nutrient Management Act includes two separate calculations for determining the maximum manure application rate. The crop nutrient requirement calculation bases the maximum manure application rate on the amount of phosphorus each crop requires and then allows for additional phosphorus application of 15.15lbs per acre. The second calculation to determine the maximum nutrient application rate involves the amount of phosphorus removed by the crop. This calculation allows for manure application to meet the amount of phosphorus the crop will remove at harvest plus 69.5lbs of phosphorus per acre. The Clean Water Act results assumed that regulations would restrict the nutrient application rate to 115% of the crop requirements of nitrogen and phosphorus. The medium and large production facilities were then subjected to sensitivity analysis of the soil phosphorus test as well as changes in the nutrient application rate allowable under the Clean Water Act. Lastly, the medium and large scenarios were also subjected to changes in the prices of inputs and outputs for crops and pigs to determine the sensitivity to prices.

Pathogen die-off rate following manure application under Ontario field conditions

Posted in: Environment, Pork Insight Articles by admin on July 30, 2012 | No Comments

Bacteria including E.coliListeria and Salmonella are commonly found in manure, and have the potential to become a human health risk if they contaminate food products. The die-off rates of E.coli, Listeria and Salmonella were tracked when manure spiked with the bacteria applied to soil samples in two different soil types. Sentinel vials were used to prevent the soil from washing away, and then dairy or swine manure with added bacteria was sprinkled on the samples. The vials were sampled for added or native bacteria, and bulk soil tested for coliforms and  E.coli. The die-off rate was rapid for the first three weeks following manure application. Depth impacted the die-off rate in E.coli and Salmonella, but not Listeria. For E.coliand Salmonella the rate is reduced at depths under 6″. Soil type, season, and manure type had no impact on the rate, but the study was conducted in a year with an unusually high precipitation rate which may have had an effect on the results.

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