Pork Insight Articles

 Industry Partners

Prairie Swine Centre is an affiliate of the University of Saskatchewan

Prairie Swine Centre is grateful for the assistance of the George Morris Centre in developing the economics portion of Pork Insight.

Financial support for the Enterprise Model Project and Pork Insight has been provided by:

Ideal Ratio of Threonine and Lysine for Growing and Finishing Pigs -Monograph

Posted in: Nutrition, Pork Insight Articles by admin on July 5, 2017 | No Comments

A majority of growth studies defining amino acid requirements have been undertaken using highly synthetic diets or diets based on com/soybean meal. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF) affects the endogenous nitrogen loss (ENL) of pigs. Specifically the loss of threonine (THR). Differences in the NDF content in corn (C) versus wheat (W) based diets should impact the amino acid requirement of the animal. The purpose of the experiments reported herein was to verify the ratio of apparent ileal digestible threonine to lysine (THR/LYS) to achieve maximum growth performance in gilts, of a defined strain, fed either W or C based diets.

Pigs fed C based diets had higher rates of gain, possibly due to the higher energy densities of the C based diets. As there was no difference in PD for pigs fed C vs W based diets it is likely that the difference is due to the higher rate of lipid deposition. At first these growth responses indicated that the levels of THR/LYS to achieve maximal growth differed between diets based on W and those based on C. For pigs grown from 20 to 45 kg BW the THR/LYS in the diets was between 55 and 59% for W based diets and between 57 and 63% for C based diets. There is a similar trend for a higher ratio to meet the requirement in W versus C based diets for pigs grown from 7 5 to I :20 kg BW.

Ideal Ratio of Threonine and Lysine for Growing and Finishing Pigs

Interpreting the Kill Statement: Reading Between the Lines

Posted in: Meat Quality, Pork Insight Articles by admin on June 14, 2017 | No Comments

This presentation outlines key performance indicators, classifying premium carcasses and grading tables.

Interpreting the Kill Statement – W Alford

Keeping new diseases out of your farm: The role of the Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network

Posted in: Economics, Pork Insight Articles, Production by admin on | No Comments

CSHIN is an industry operated surveillance network: The network has been
set up with producers at all levels of decision-making – they influence responses
and communications. Confidentiality is critical. It responds to diseases that
normally fall through the cracks, common endemic diseases that cost money but
are not the responsibility of any level of government (Brachyspira for instance).
The information from the network is there to help your veterinarian manage
diseases on your farm. The primary role of CSHIN is to help individual veterinarians to reduce the burden of disease (losses of animals and productivity and costs from management of disease) on their clients (the producers) individual farms, by preventing and managing swine diseases.

Keeping New Diseases Out of Your Farm-C Byra

Avoiding Disasters in Swine Nutrition

Posted in: Nutrition, Pork Insight Articles by admin on | No Comments

This presentation focuses on feed formulation specifically discussing avoiding losses and the inclusion rates of specific ingredients.

Avoiding Disasters in Swine Nutrition – Dr_ M_ Ramirez

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus – Manitoba Pork Council

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This presentation outlines the transmission, pathogenesis and pathology of PEDv with useful pictures and advice for protecting against the disease.

2013 PEDv MPC HW version 11_15_2013

Alternative Housing Systems

Posted in: Pork Insight Articles, Prairie Swine Centre, Uncategorized by admin on | No Comments

This presentation shows changes to the barn layout at Prairie Swine Center.

Alternative Housing Systems – B Andries

Group Housing of Sows: Getting it Right Sandra Edwards

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This presentation outlines several topics as they relate to factors important for sow welfare especially regarding housing systems challenges and solutions in managing feeding, aggression and breeding.

2013 Edwards-Sow Housing2013 Edwards-Sow Housing

Limiting Disease Through Genetic Selection

Posted in: Pork Insight Articles, Production, Uncategorized by admin on | No Comments

Host responses
Selection for disease resistance
• Natural selection
• Genomic selection
Current research
Application of swine genomics to improve swine health and welfare

SkSymp2013 (HARDIING Genomics Health)

Proudly Presenting Agriculture

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This presentation outlines the role of Farm Food & Care as a coalition  with a common goal of increasing public trust in farming.

Proudly Presenting Agriculture-Crystal Mackay-2013

Slots Master There is no definite strategy or technique that you can use as you play slots