An environmentalLife Cycle Assessment (LCA) procedure is constructed to compare the total emissions from different techniques for managing livestock wastes. Life Cycle Assessment is a method of holistically and systematically accounting for the environmental benefits and burdens of the production of goods and services including consequential burdens generated elsewhere. As waste emissions are very variable, the methodology is extended to include the uncertainty in the estimates in order to indicate the significance of differences between techniques. The object is to inform policy of whether options are better for the environment by quantifying potentialemissions abatement, by highlighting priority environmentalimpac ts and by revealing compromises for further investigation.
This paper reports comparative LCAs for severalpig waste management options. For example, various
slurry application techniques, including: splash plates, band spreaders and injection. If the splash-plate system is taken as a reference, the injector system causes only 64% of the environmental acidification and 71% of the eutrophication of surface waters. The benefits must be offset against the increase in nitrate leaching of 50%. In contrast, the band spreader system offers 28% of the benefits of injection. The environmentalimpac ts have also been expressed as a proportion of the UK nationalemissions . This gives each impact a weighted-value that enables direct comparisons of disparate impacts. Although band spreader systems showed an aggregated, or total, environmental impact reduction of almost 10%, the reduction is not significant when uncertainty is taken into account. Using an anaerobic digester shows few overall benefits due to the fugitive losses of methane. However, if these can be eliminated the global warming potential from waste management is reduced close to zero.
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