Every aspect of pork production should be analyzed to determine its effect on the environment. As pig production began to expand in the 80s the public became more aware. Competition was the main concern. Environmental concerns began to arise in the 90s as odour and manure management became concerns. As production units increased in size it became more of a problem and movements to shut down hog barns began. Farmers need to take into account all aspects of the environment to effectively preserve the environment. We need to look at inputs of feed, water, energy, and supplies to compare them with the outputs of hogs, manure, garbage and odor. Several programs are being developed for a good Environment Management System (EMS). An EMS is a business tool that systematically applies general management principles to environmental issues associated with the activities, products and services of an organization. This system includes planning, doing what you plan, measuring how well it works, and reviewing it to change and improve. Any EMS should follow any legality and address any environmental concerns that may be present in the area. Optional areas can be focused on such as energy conservation, water conservation, and feed usage. Areas that are already adequately managed can still improved still, such as mortality management, manure and nutrient management, and general production procedures.
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