Pork Insight Articles

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Piglet Livability as KPI & How to Influence

Posted in: Pork Insight Articles, Production by student on June 29, 2018

Author: A.A.M. van Wesel, M. van den Bosch

Reference: Banff Pork Seminar Proceedings 2018


Livability is a characteristic that defines the piglets quality of life. It is calculated by:

Livability = 100% – ((#stillborn + #preweaning mortality)/ total born))

Preweaning piglet mortality is estimated to be between 12 -15%, with many factors influencing the mortality rate. Piglet livability is a multi-factorial characteristic involving:

  • Colostrum intake
  • Suckling behavior
  • Body condition of the sow
  • Vascularization of the placenta
  • Duration of farrowing process
  • Oxygen supply before and during the birthing process

The characteristics listed above are only a few, there are many other contributors to piglet livability.

Research has focused on nutritional strategies to aid in increasing the livability of piglets. There are three main areas where nutritional intervention has influence on piglets:

1) Period from estrus to embryonic implantation

2) Period around farrowing

3) Neonatal piglet from a few days to post farrowing to weaning

At the time of weaning, antioxidant concepts have been displayed to be effective in increasing piglet birth weight as well as piglet weight at the time of weaning. There is a correlation between the sow’s stool hardness and quantity of still births. In order to mitigate this issue it is recommended that feeds be formulated with the right amount of fiber.

LivapigTM is a patent pending the utilizes the same concept as athletes consuming red beetroot juice. Nitric oxide is increased in the sows blood a few days before farrowing, resulting in an overall increase in piglet livability of 1.5% through the course of this trial.

Piglet livability is important for both the economics of the facility, but also for the overall welfare of the animals. Increasing livability can be done through nutritional strategies. These strategies should be aimed at increasing piglet birth weight.

Piglet Livability as KPI and How to Influence

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